NATO armour fucked

danman's picture

🇷🇺Video de la derrota M2 Bradley ODS-SA y el tanque Leopard 2A6 en zaporiya tras fracasó de ofensiva

In total, during the failed attack in the Zaporozhye direction, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost at least:

- 5 German tanks Leopard 2A6 and 2A4 (2 destroyed, 1 hit and abandoned, 3 abandoned)
- 6 American infantry fighting vehicles M2A2 Bradley ODS-SA (all destroyed and abandoned)
- 3 American MRAP M1224 MaxxPro (all hit and abandoned)
- 1 Dutch armored personnel carrier YPR-765 (hit and abandoned)
- 1 Czech T-72M1 (destroyed)
- 1 BMR-2 demining vehicle (hit and abandoned)
- 1 French VAB armored car (hit and abandoned).
- several burned out trucks

For the first time , Leopard 2 tanks and M2A2 Bradley IFVs were destroyed.



How anxious are the nazi-loving faggots on this site - let me know in the comments section.


Average: 2 (6 votes)


lawngnome's picture

Go kill some sparrows ya dirty commie

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danman's picture

you should try to relax, I wouldn't want a school to get shot up.

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AzerAU's picture

gay Nazis'? Another paradox i don't understand.... its like jewish Nazis' or Ye..... it just doesn't compute in my brain.

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danman's picture

understandable, the situation is pretty fukt tbf

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