NATO resorts to human waves


TheWeirdo's picture
Beta Tester

I don't know why everybody always vote this guy 1 star.

He's more neutral than the 6 o'clock news.

He shows it like it is.

I don't get people that still think Ukraine is winning the war, lol.

It was cute last year, the David vs Goliath thing, because Russia got caught with its pants down and grossly miscalculated their offensive, they thought Ukrainians would welcome them, but now, you can give them all the money and toys you can think of, there is no way they are pushing the Russians back.

What's next for Ukraine, more dead people. Until they decide to stop it. Because Putin won't stop it. With all the damage they did, Russia will make sure they stay a poor and uneducated country for the next 2-3 generations.

And they have the USA to thank for it. With all the money and toys they pumped into Ukraine since 2014 for them to wage their little dirty civil war. 

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Raining Blood's picture

you're at the dump wondering why people send their garbage there. go ask sal why this guy is a joke.

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