Who cares about Niger?


Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

7:40 lol


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jdt73's picture

Oh dear...

That's bad news for a lot of countries.


Japanize yen 145 yen to the dollar. I Guess no one wants japanize products anymore.

Indonesian rupia 15343 to the dollar. Indonesia must be a failed state by now.

Vietnamese dong 23847 to the dollar. Pretty sure they are now fully under water from global warming.


Since the US has now lost its petro dollar monopoly, many nations are simply trading for oil and gas in rubles and yen.

Keeping score between rubles and dollars doesn't mean too much.



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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

You said Europe is doing bad, we are above the dollar and the ruble has dropped straight down, they don't have buying power, it is the exactly the opposite of what Jimmy said.

I wonder why...

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jdt73's picture

I didn't say Europe is doing bad.

I said Japan, Indonesia and Vietnam are other countries that have currency with bigger differences to the USD than Russia.

China has been criticized in the past for keeping its currency artificially low to manipulate trade in their favor.


Look, if you want to believe that Russia is going to implode any day now, well you have a good time with that.

Don't hold your breath would be my advice.


You got anything on the Niger subject?


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Yes i do, They did what trump couldn't

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

no sas, no politics, just facts

those are just the current trading rates. if you apply a lose of 30% value, they got to spend a third more just for a dollar and its happening over the course of a year and a half

145 yen becomes 188 yen

15343 rupiah becomes 19945 rupiah

23847 dong becomes 31000 dong

it's a lot on a dollar and its every dollar. an f16 is worth 63 million US$ or 9 billion yen would now cost japan 12 billion. that 3 billion difference equates to 14-18 million depending on trade rate. so factor in the difference on billion dollar contracts. at some point it becomes an issue


the US didn't lose the petro dollar monopoly and at this point, its both accepted and self-imposed. it's currency is used by 75% of the world and the reason it still is, is because nobody else is willing to take the chance at wearing the mantle. see, to be the most used currency in the world, you got to be willing to have billions/trillions of dollars of your currency in the hands of people who have the ability to sink your economy. of americas 2.3 trillion dollars in circulation, 60%(1.3 trillion) of it is abroad. at any moment, those people can start unloading it for less than its worth causing the value of the dollar to drop. nobody does it because so many people are invested that everyone loses


the reason why its worth keeping score is because this isn't just a thing happening between the ruble and the dollar, it's happening between the ruble and every currency to varying degrees. which means they've got to spend more rubles to buy any currency and on the flip side, any payments to russia cost them more regardless of currency because rubles can be bought for less and payments in foreign currencies, when exchanged back into rubles, creates more rubles out of thin air i.e, the printing of money, ie inflation, causing the value of the ruble to go down. the thing about getting paid in rubles is that you can't use them anywhere else and the longer you hold onto, the more probable they'll be worth less cause the value of them is based on russia's supply/demand on goods and on the demand of rubles, all of which are down. this matters because it makes everything they import into the country more expensive. it's an interesting situation because the problems are the results based on a choice not trade with them and the outcome of the war doesn't necessitate reversing it

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Pdub's picture

How's Jimmy's long covid going? He looks pretty healthy.

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jdt73's picture

Yeah he looks good.

What did he have? Neck pain or something?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

From sucking dick?

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jdt73's picture

Yeah fuck that anti war, medicare for all, progressive homo.

The worst part is that he thinks differently to what CNN say.


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Everybody is anti war, name one that is pro war?

name one that is anti life -

name one that is anti choice -

I believe in medicare for all, it is Obama care.

I would not be surprised if he actually was a homo, he has an air of one.

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jdt73's picture




Obama care was the ghost of what it was supposed to be so....

Has the air of one? As in is a male and presumed to also have a but hole?




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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique


obama care would have been better but it had to pass the republican vote, can't have a democrat give America the holy grail.

If he came to the senate back then with a proposition for free healthcare, they would have thrown it out it was a republic majority, with a democrat president more tax cuts for the rich, republicans vote yes.

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