Looks like the point requirements have given rise to a mass of blunt force blast posting and point whoring by the likes of Spikers like bradlox, sal9000, fullauto, and a few others. Great for the addition of content I suppose and they want to get their point totals to VIP-type levels.
It establishes them as hardore Spiked members and that's good. To avoid the blast posting and point whoring plethora of dogshit, it's a good idea to wait a few weeks though. Checking back in a few weeks to see if it's done is the way to go and hopefully it's over, though there still may be some who will always play that game and just post for points. We shall see. Peace.
(22 votes)
(Old Spike)
i stopped once i hit 500, didnt realized i got 75 points for wub a dub a dub dub. havent posted anything since. fullauto is at 520. he stopped posting once he hit it 500, how many people do you think posted stuff untill they hit 500 and stopped?
do you play this at home?
(Long Spike)
You posted 11 of 18 straight videos including 4 out of 5 at one point. R-E-L-A-X. That was blast posting/point whoring defined and so what? Go crazy. It's not breaking any rules and certainly not laws. I just pointed it out and hey you stopped like many likely will on the site.
Are you this anal at home? Lighten up Francis.
(Old Spike)
only when people bitch about nonsense. if i was a dickhead i would have looked at your points, then looked at the amount of videos you posted. so if you put up 3 vids. thats 75 points. say each one makes it to the front page.thats an additional 60 points. that only puts you at 210 with the wub a dub dub. so you got over 300 points from just voting on videos? should i make a video submission about people vote whoring for points?
(Long Spike)
You moron. I have commented on maybe 5 videos and voted on the same number. I got over 300 points from voting on videos? LOL Relax, I'll stay away from posting and voting for a while. Yeah, you really used your investigative skills. Jesus. Take some Xanax and drink a bottle of vodka. You are wound up and lost.
(Old Spike)
i am relaxed, this was and is a joke to me,
you put my name in with someone else, saying i "want to get their point totals to VIP-type levels". 24 hours later, i only have 500 points. bradlox is over 1500, you have more points then i do, i've given back the points violent sent me and i've donated the extra to sato
i'll just reserve the right to throw your name in with whoever/situation appeals at the time and we'll call it even
(Old Spike)
don't take it seriously, i am just kidding
(Long Spike)
Outrageous! How can we go on without dissention, ad hominem attacks, vitriol, and scathing arguments?...........yeah, I see your point.
I was just goofing too. Sure, the mass of posts are at least 75% point boosting bullshit right now but if more content was what was wanted, the site got it. No matter though, if someone wants points, even posting blank videos is perfectly within the rules and OK. I think it will calm down in a few weeks with just a few point whores. That's when it can be understood what this site is.
(Old Spike)
They're the ones who set the bar, I hope they don't complain that people are doing what they have to do to reached it.
It wasn't like I posted random videos, I chose the cream of the crop from past submissions on the old site.
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
Oh, and it costs two points to vote on comments, which explains why nobody is voting on comments. Someone didn't think out this reward system very well.
(Short Spike)
Member when this site was decent and they posed cool science, technology and humor videos? Now its all just shit music, alt right and super progressive left bullshit as well as ranting bloggers no ones heard of?
I member.
(Long Spike)
That post embodies everything that I loved about SpikedHumor. While funny at times, there are far too many attention whores clogging up the comments with their bullshit arguments. Comment on the videos, don't fight!
(dumb cunt)
Well lets make this a constructive discussion and take it to the appropriate section in the forums.
From my POV I'd prefer if everyone started with enough points to do all of things they did on the previous Spiked, but I love the feature here of downvoting deducting points on both sides.
(Old Spike)
take it to the forum? thats not how things are done. we do it kicking and screaming in a public manner. like a mom screaming at her kids at walmart.
(Long Spike)
cant be bothered anymore ...
just gonna bide my time and get to image posting lvl o natural .
unless you want to form a point syndicate ??? where we vote each other to front page and split the winnings
my profile says ive only been a member for 6 months !!!! lol
(Long Spike)
we shall see indeed
(Old Spike)
I have not changed my usage compared to the old site.
Somehow I have 1200+ points and 6 years+ membership status but still not able to post pics or vids in comments or use the smileys.
I am not interested in status, I just want to submit the odd gif, pic or vid in replies....
(Old Spike)
All this complaining about the new site. Admin do this for free. They sort out the glitches bit by bit. Give the guys a break and try to use it.