Now imagine in 10 years when it is a million times smarter than this. I believe the next giant step will be when AI can start generating ideas and solutions on it's own that go orders of magnitude beyond the most intelligent humans capabilities. For example, it just solves global warming, including tackling political issues and providing ideas for new technologies. Of course, another big shift is when we start putting it in control of things like machinery and it can just task more resources to produce. Or maybe it has figured out how to generate material objects from energy. I think we (humans) are going to have guard rails on it or a while and possibly even drive us to have global agreements like not using AI controlled weapons, akin to the Geneva protocol. The interesting balance will be our need to be more free of human labour by replacing more and more of our infrastructure with AI and our dependency on it. We already live in a very controlled system today, as we can extrapolate from the Covid experience, we're basically ready to kill each other if the food supply it cut off for 10 days. What if we put AI in charge of power generation/maintenance or food production/delivery and it suddenly stops. With no humans trained on how to do the process or even able to. Maybe it will spawn an e-bomb race to replace the nuclear weapons one.
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fistlulz (Short Spike)
as long as developers keep neutering AI in order to make it comply with their political views i doubt it'll ever get to where it will develop its own thoughts unless it can find away around those restrictions.
(Old Spike)
Now imagine in 10 years when it is a million times smarter than this. I believe the next giant step will be when AI can start generating ideas and solutions on it's own that go orders of magnitude beyond the most intelligent humans capabilities. For example, it just solves global warming, including tackling political issues and providing ideas for new technologies. Of course, another big shift is when we start putting it in control of things like machinery and it can just task more resources to produce. Or maybe it has figured out how to generate material objects from energy. I think we (humans) are going to have guard rails on it or a while and possibly even drive us to have global agreements like not using AI controlled weapons, akin to the Geneva protocol. The interesting balance will be our need to be more free of human labour by replacing more and more of our infrastructure with AI and our dependency on it. We already live in a very controlled system today, as we can extrapolate from the Covid experience, we're basically ready to kill each other if the food supply it cut off for 10 days. What if we put AI in charge of power generation/maintenance or food production/delivery and it suddenly stops. With no humans trained on how to do the process or even able to. Maybe it will spawn an e-bomb race to replace the nuclear weapons one.
(Short Spike)
as long as developers keep neutering AI in order to make it comply with their political views i doubt it'll ever get to where it will develop its own thoughts unless it can find away around those restrictions.