How do you even upload video to this shithole anymore? Media, Browse, Only video already posted?
(2 votes)
How do you even upload video to this shithole anymore? Media, Browse, Only video already posted?
(Old Spike)
Fuck off Berg.
(Long Spike)
He's not used to this easier-to-use format.
Ah, so now you have to have a required amount of votes to even see an option to upload videos. Thank god we have this safe space, right?
(Old Spike)
Anyone can upload a video - just paste the link in the appropriate field.
I've been around much longer than berg. <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/hgm4x"><a href="//imgur.com/hgm4x"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
(Long Spike)
I've been on SpikedNation.com and SpikedHumor.com since 2007. How do I not recognize your name?
Since everytime I try to embed and image it breaks, here.
How are you supposed to upload something if the only option you get is past uploads?
(Old Spike)
Maybe if you didn't use a 1987 IBM PC with a Russian keyboard you would have more luck. No one knows what you're talking about, unless it's that new feature Nakey was talking about that automatically detects and prevents trolls from posting videos. I didn't think they had implemented that yet - impressive.
(Old Spike)
Hi sal9000!