When he said that "net 0" by 2050 is not achievable, he is of course right, however, it is important to understand that this does NOT mean the endeavour to achieve this should stop, quite the contrary!
Global warming will not stop when we level out CO2 in the atmosphere, we actually need to reduce it! Adding this to the equation the predicament becomes even worse. Fortunately I will not experience this in my lifetime and probably I can consider myself lucky that there won't be a next one!
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Dude (Old Spike)
You can be sure to reincarnate, here or another planet, you are stuck here
And the technologies that are being kept secret like splitting water in to hydrogen to use on a combustion engine and 150 percent efficient water hammers will solve all these problems, the key is water.
I was there i have seen it, though the actual internals were a secret even for me, some scientists up top know.
They keep it a secret because they don't want to fight their own technology in WW3
If there ever is a WW3 it will be given soon after, i guess, depends on who wins.
After a war there are always golden years.
You could say that The ark spawned microwave ovens :)
(Old Spike)
Good thing he corrected himself and used "buffer"
When he said that "net 0" by 2050 is not achievable, he is of course right, however, it is important to understand that this does NOT mean the endeavour to achieve this should stop, quite the contrary!
Global warming will not stop when we level out CO2 in the atmosphere, we actually need to reduce it! Adding this to the equation the predicament becomes even worse. Fortunately I will not experience this in my lifetime and probably I can consider myself lucky that there won't be a next one!
(Old Spike)
You can be sure to reincarnate, here or another planet, you are stuck here
And the technologies that are being kept secret like splitting water in to hydrogen to use on a combustion engine and 150 percent efficient water hammers will solve all these problems, the key is water.
I was there i have seen it, though the actual internals were a secret even for me, some scientists up top know.
They keep it a secret because they don't want to fight their own technology in WW3
If there ever is a WW3 it will be given soon after, i guess, depends on who wins.
After a war there are always golden years.
You could say that The ark spawned microwave ovens :)