Interview with a "cultural christian"

daftcunt's picture

Richard Dawkins: I'm a Cultural Christian

I forgot to add "european christian"!

I disagree with him on the last question, though. I don't think it matters as long as other, more vile, religions do not become a substitute majority, now that would be dreadful indeed.

And here is the "response" of the offended muslim (a jew couldn't have done any better):

Average: 2.3 (3 votes)


Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

I dunno, I linked the perspective of a gay Jew and pretty much agree with his take on it. What percent gay and what percent Jew do I need to be to agree with his position, in your opinion. Uncle Dawki's lost it. I mean, that's some pretty damnable stuff he's saying right there (.. believe me, there's no end to my amusement with this pun).


edit.  PS. 1 star not for the vid itself which is fine, but for your dumbass comment underneath the video. Can you be so perfunctory to the point of being clueless, yet insist on weighing in with your expert opinion? Daftcunt says yes.

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daftcunt's picture
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"...that's some pretty damnable stuff he's saying right there..." 


please elaborate...

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Bobbob's picture
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Sure. The reason this is amusing is because he likes carols and hymns though he doesn't believe in God or heaven and by extension hell or damnation. Le lolz.

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daftcunt's picture
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" he likes carols and hymns though he doesn't believe in God or heaven and by extension hell or damnation" you class that as "some pretty damnable stuff"? 


What has one to do with the other? Liking certain music and the people playing it and religious belief are not mutually exclusive, doing this would be rather pathetic. 


By that reasoning I would have to dislike at least one of my favourite bands. 



Also heaven, hell, damnation is not a concept the bible (or jesus for that matter) supports, it is (of course) a human construct that was "invented" later.

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Bobbob's picture
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You're forgetting that without God even good becomes subjective. I won't bother correcting you on your mishandling of what Jesus said or did in scripture, that's a waste of time.


Honestly, it's like trying to explain water to a fish in the ocean when it comes to you. You're soaking in it.

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daftcunt's picture
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".....without God even good becomes subjective..." You could not make a sillier statement now, could you. 


If this were the case only atheists would be criminals, guess what, they are not. This is because church had to adapt their "morality" due to the pressure from the people and not vice versa. 

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Bobbob's picture
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I normally don't like to punch down, but it really is like shooting fish in a barrel with you on this one. You know nothing about the religion you actively despise (who is this non-existent God you're rebelling against, anyway) and you're still reeling after your lord and saviour uncle Duckie betrayed your sentiment by saying Christianity is not so bad given the alternative, really. You wanted to know if there is such a thing as objective morality without God, and I gave you a concise video debugging  'the moral argument' often cited by atheists.


Seriously, aren't you late heading to the coliseum and enjoy the religious persecutions and executions there or did you also turn your back on those for being barbaric you spontaneously nice and wonderful guy, you.



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daftcunt's picture
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"who is this non-existent God you're rebelling against, anyway"

when it is actually:
who is this non-existent God YOU ARE so unfoundedly believing, anyway?

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Bobbob's picture
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No no. My question is quite apt. Why do you put Christianity in your crosshairs specifically this time of year (sad really, given your experience seems to be limited to American evangelical). Remember  that Ramadan is currently ongoing and ooh! lucky you! still plenty of time for your annual Passover message. We'll keep a lookout.

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daftcunt's picture
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All muslims and their apologists have left the site, so what's the point?


If you find muslim bashing entertaining you'll find plenty on breitbart and truth social. 

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Bobbob's picture
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You're going on faith saying that? We've got muslims (what's wrong with you).  But feel free to start alphabetically. Tell us how Buddha was a fat fuck or something.

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daftcunt's picture
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"We've got muslims...." 


Really, why did none of them enter in the recent discussions about gaza or when you were poking them? 

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Bobbob's picture
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Low blood sugar during Ramadan maybe. Dunno. Post a daftcunt-level video bashing Islam and let's see what happens.

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