Lying As An Art

Accuser's picture

Fact-checking Noem book tour that ended abruptly

Kristi Noem is a horrible liar. She couldn't even get a few tips from the mango master of lying? Lock up your dogs and goats anyway.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Would fit perfectly in a trump administration.

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hello kitty's picture

rofl, that's true, but you do remember that biden had to drop out of the 1989 presidential race cause he was caught lying. I don't support either side, and thats the point....they are all shitbag liars. It seems silly to me to only be disgusted with the liar on the "other side". But hey, that's me. Regardless, she really screwed the pooch with that book and her responses. *these* are the people running things to one degree or has our society become, lol.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

In the US you have to vote not for the better but the less worse candidate.

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