Sun, 2024-05-12 13:06 — nakedslave Trump just BROKE a Record in New Jersey.... Video of Trump just BROKE a Record in New Jersey.... I forgot to add a description! 2.2 Average: 2.2 (5 votes)
(Long Spike)
Look at all those racists. REEEEEEEEE
(Old Spike)
That was 12 000 at most :)
They blow up the numbers for some reason,
Trump said the streets are filled with ppl infront of the court = 1 Chinese lady ranting, and no i am not joking.
They are having a good time... so are we because our guy is actually President, saluté take a sip
(Old Spike)
There were zillions of people there. Like nobody has ever seen before.
(Old Spike)
As long as the cult of MAGA morons believes.