
Pdub's picture

Smart!  Drive on the right side so nobody can pull over.  Police boats can't come quick enough.  Unlike some of us.

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hello kitty's picture

I like how the cop sideswipes 2 cars, then the audio amazingly cuts out immediately as he says 
"aw, sh..". You know those innocent bydrivers will never be compansated for damages. Hell, in 2013 or so a cop in Brooklyn, on their cellphone ran a red light, killed a pedestrian in the crosswalk while he had a WALK signal(!) and the NYPD fought the case for at least 3 years.

"Felix did have the right-of-way and was within the crosswalk, but the city in legal papers blames the man for the accident, arguing he did not take reasonable steps to assure his own safety.

"According to the City of New York, if you're crossing in a crosswalk with the walk light in your favor, you're assuming the risk of being hit by a car, and if you are hit by a car, you're at fault for the accident," said the family's attorney.""


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daftcunt's picture
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hello kitty's picture

Doesn't change the NYPD's initial defense, and it only took them 3 years, and he is still dead. No car phone cop in jail for manslaughter etc. Justice served!! And I stand by my initial comment, those cops wont reimburse those drivers for the damage, gumshoe cheeky

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hello kitty's picture

Oh and the cops didn't reimburse anyone with $1.5 mil, the taxpayers did wink thx for the update

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