Sat, 2024-06-08 13:15 — Nakey If Canada went to war #funny #canada #canadian #trudeau #canadalife #toronto #canadalife Video of If Canada went to war #funny #canada #canadian #trudeau #canadalife #toronto #canadalife I forgot to add a description! 5 Average: 5 (1 vote)
(Site Administrator)
Oh yeah? Well I hear in Austr..
(Site Administrator)
brother we don't need to go to war. it comes to us!
(Site Administrator)
Face it. The Emus just wanted it more, lol.
Dude I found it funny.
(Site Administrator)
what, the canadians do to war or the emu war?
(Site Administrator)
Your timing couldn't be better. I mean we missed you on D-day commemoration day. Fine, I'll post something for educational purposes.
(Site Administrator)
Update 20240610: Here posted special for you. Enjoy.