Marine Le Pen: Muslim Deportation

Dude's picture


I have a feeling she's gonna win.

West Europe voted Right France Belgium Netherlands Scandinavia, they might actually start deporting these guy's and we just know Germany will join.

Boy.. a muslim man deported by a woman got to sting hard.

Average: 5 (2 votes)


n0val33t's picture
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Ok, it's impossible and just populist bullshit.... you can't just deport someone! Hell, Iraq I got a guy here, don't want them any more, you take them! ..... NO!? Afghanistan, Palestine all of the Persian and arab countries, no. We are good. Deportation is like threading a needle without fingers, nr1:It's against the law . Internal and international, 2 cost is insane!, 3. Race war, and riots... not the fun kind with cars or riots! :P

The only viable solution go Hitler.....with internment camps and become the enemy of the world. That means everyone's freedom is taken away. Martial law Good luck!

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Well the idea behind it is to cut the citizenship of ppl with double nationality, they can do just that, since most ppl had to state where they are from before they got a citizenship they have double nationality, and if it is cut, only way to go is the other country.

It is not actual deportation, and you would be surprised what a President can do with the law, we don't have an unchangeable constitution in Europe.

The founding fathers of European society are the shamans/village elders, then the Roman emperors, and then the church, the kings, followed by polititians.

Anything can be changed and undone.

And if i was them i wouldn't protest or riot and be sent back, she said it only applied to ppl with a big mouth, and those who overstep the line.


In the end we owe these ppl nothing.


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Bobbob's picture
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If they go into western mosques and get evidence, as we have of an Imam in British Columbia Canada who is calling for open jihad inside the host nation, then yeah, deport away. But definitely agree with video presenter, outlaw Islamism, but don't punish indiscriminately.

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n0val33t's picture
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We had a big mouth MC neck beard up here, took 20 years to get the fucker out and that's only cause Italy wanted him locked up. Even then it took a few years as they sue, . seen his dumb face and grin in the paper since I was a fucking kid. How many millions that motherfucker cost us, I don't know .... prison, free, sue.... prison, free again, sue... over and over and over again!

All they need to say.... I can't be sent back, my life is in danger in so and so country. Then the circus begins


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Bobbob's picture
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Sure. But the thing about Islam is it's not just a religion. It's also an ideology. The strictest adherents are literally pushing for overthrowing the host nation's structure and replacing it with a religious caliphate. A totalitarian regime with a cleric as head of state. So, at which point does it cross over into open treachery/ treason, to be prosecuted as such.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

It just started in the UK


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n0val33t's picture
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yes, I know!?

What happened to that Guy in British Columbia? Nothing of consequence I assume? I have no idea what one can do. send em a drift :P

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Bobbob's picture
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​​​​Be nice! Everyone knows Canada stopped sending its elderly out to sea on icefloats all they way back in 1997. 

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n0val33t's picture
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Edit: Note to self: Leave it alone!.... stop it ... stop posting stupid and vitriolic shit nova


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