Largest crowd at a hockey game ever, The Big Chill, hosted in the Big House at the University of Michigan. B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber fly over during the National Anthem prior to the start of the game.
(23 votes)
Largest crowd at a hockey game ever, The Big Chill, hosted in the Big House at the University of Michigan. B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber fly over during the National Anthem prior to the start of the game.
(Old Spike)
Couple more yeeehaaw! *NOISE*
(Long Spike)
That, is awesome.
(Short Spike)
@skeptoid Were you really that desperate to get on the "top rated" section? You might be a shill
(Old Spike)
I receive cheques from the Democratic National Committee.
(Old Spike)
Seems legit
(Short Spike)
@skeptoid It's more likely you get checks from spiked nation
(Old Spike)
I'll gladly accept cheques from Spikednation and watch the bank teller laugh as each one bounces LOL.
(Old Spike)
Coming from a country with no hysterical nationalism outside of sports, it's weird to see people cheerleading for military like this. It's no different to North Koreans crying at dear leader's funeral. Just strange.