Farewell to Joe Rogan


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Ivermectin anyone? cmoan, it really works!

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Accuser's picture

He's obviously not a good standup entertainer. His podcast sometimes has good guests and there's some interesting content at times but the conspiracy theories, some idiotic guests, and his worshippers really bring it down. He really connects with people with low intelligence and his low IQ following is a truly pathetic rabble.

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hello kitty's picture

thank goodness there's no real "conspiracies" going on. It's comforting to know that everything is above board, and that the government really has our best interests at heart. I have complete and total faith in the corporations and politicians to do the right thing. Damn, people that think there are actually real "conspiracies" are naive and completely stupid, unlike me, who knows better. 

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sato's picture

ikr. spoiler alert - hillary wins!

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