But Trump is innocent, and Hillary is guilty, did you know that Hillary used to be a man and that Bill is gay? It is a great great travesty from the likes we have never seen before, and here i am the best president in history being persecuted like Jesus, the late great Hannibal Lecter would turn over in his grave.
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nakedslave (Old Spike)
You are living in the Past. Still butthurt for something that's 8+ years old?
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Dude (Old Spike)
If you want to know the future you have to know the past.
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Dude (Old Spike)
To know the future you have to know the past.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
lol, so what has changed that what he said then is not valid 8 years later?
(Old Spike)
But Trump is innocent, and Hillary is guilty, did you know that Hillary used to be a man and that Bill is gay? It is a great great travesty from the likes we have never seen before, and here i am the best president in history being persecuted like Jesus, the late great Hannibal Lecter would turn over in his grave.
(Old Spike)
You are living in the Past. Still butthurt for something that's 8+ years old?
(Old Spike)
If you want to know the future you have to know the past.
(Old Spike)
To know the future you have to know the past.
(Old Spike)
lol, so what has changed that what he said then is not valid 8 years later?