Sun, 2024-09-22 04:06 — sal9000 Stopping The Steal | Official Trailer | HBO Video of Stopping The Steal | Official Trailer | HBO never forget that 5 Average: 5 (1 vote)
(Old Spike)
She was killed by a nigger and the recording of her death was by a loud annoying lefty nigger and there were cops all around her.
Would have been funny if she were a nigger though.
(Old Spike)
does it count as her catching a hot load from a bbc?
(Old Spike)
Hey, you're a racist prick too. Lest no one forget.
(Old Spike)
maybe someday the admins 'regulate' racist scum like you :)
(Old Spike)
Jesus fucking christ, you people are abhorrent. Fuck, dude. Just go die.
(Old Spike)
Hey, you're a racist prick too. Lest no one forget.
(Old Spike)
Cool. All you faggots called me a racist instead of responding to the facts I gave.
Niggers are retarded and violent, go live in nigger town if you think otherwise.