Arthur Fleck is a gay jew played by a gay jew, written and directed by a jew.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
closet homosexuals tend to overcompensate with being expressively anti gay, this is the image (just an obese version) I have of you every time you talk silly shit like this:
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vinzent (Old Spike)
I'm just glad that you use being a faggot as a slur. Keep up the good work sonny.
(Old Spike)
Arthur Fleck is a gay jew played by a gay jew, written and directed by a jew.
(Old Spike)
closet homosexuals tend to overcompensate with being expressively anti gay, this is the image (just an obese version) I have of you every time you talk silly shit like this:
(Old Spike)
I'm just glad that you use being a faggot as a slur. Keep up the good work sonny.