Fuck you, Republicans. Fuck you for supporting this, citizens who voted for Republicans and Trump. Go swallow a corporate cock and let out a contented gurgle when it deluges the back of your fucking throat with a hefty helping of jizz. The party that espouses "freedom" just fucked us all by circumventing law.
(21 votes)
(Long Spike)
Instant 1/5 from some Republican fuckin' sheep who can't withdraw his lips from Comcast's cock for even a minute to address this. Yes, I'm raging, and you should be raging, too. Now we have to dedicate fucking time and resources to undoing this Republican fuck up.
Take a facial blasting from your corporate dick face fucking and feel my Internet wrath, Republicunt.
(Long Spike)
First off, I'm a Republican. A total fuck-up by the Trump regime ending net neutrality but it would take Trump blowing up the country for Trumptards to admit the mistake. If Obama had outlawed it, Trump would have championed bringing it back but that's just not how things have happened.
(Old Spike)
Never thought I'd see the day Grothesk would snap like this.
Crazy times we're livin in.
(Old Spike)
I'm with you.
Trump is still better than Hillary. I just want to make that clear because I know how much you hate seeing the words HILLARY CLINTON show up since 2016 but I'm serious. Even with this error in judgement, Trump is WAY better than Hillary by 10 million percent.
(Old Spike)
FYI - Pia was appointed to the commission by President Barack Obama in May 2012. So you can swear at Trump but don't forget your favorite President was the one who put him on the fucking commission in the first place.
(Long Spike)
I'm here to dispel misinformation from right wing morons. You are right on the money that Barack Obama appointed Pia in 2012 and that mutherfucker stabbed us right in the back, right? Guys, this is Obama's fault ultimately. Hah, guys, we GOT 'em!
Well, not quite. Right wingers are masters of misinformation fake news bullshit so let's dispel the shit out of that righ tnow. Obama appointed Pai on the advice of Mitch McConnell because there needs to be a split Democrat/Republican council for the FCC. Doesn't it suck when the people you're talking to know how to rip your bullshit in half and you stand there looking like more of a fucking idiot than you normally do? The reason right wingers are bringing up that Obama nominated Pai is to dilute some of the fucking stink from their shit-stained fingers while proclaiming, "this is really Obama's fault..." No. This is entirely from the Republican party and Pai was given the keys to the fucking future directly by Trump when Trump made him chairman of the FCC. Go fuck your intentional fake news misinformation and go fuck yourself.
(Old Spike)
Yeah I think it's kind of irrelevant who appointed who and all that crap but let me ask you a question: do you believe that you should have the right to order an economy internet service from a provider and then have the option to pay them $5 a pop for a temporary bandwidth turbo boost when you can afford to do that?
(Long Spike)
I guess? I'm not sure what you're asking here.
(Old Spike)
I ask because under Obama era regulations the perception by service providers was that such a thing was illegal because violate net neutrality.
(Long Spike)
Halting the spin is tedious but unfortunately a requirement.
(Old Spike)
Obama appointed Pai on the advice of Mitch McConnell because there needs to be a split Democrat/Republican council for the FCC.
The only relevant phrase in your response is "Obama appointed". It proves what I said 100% correct and that you are the actual moron for trying to shift the blame for no other reason than it helps reinforce your hatred for those with whom you disagree and helps you avoid admitting the Holy One Obama ever did anything wrong.
That is all.
(Long Spike)
You're an idiot. Obama compromises with fuckin' idiot Republicans back in 2014 and it fucks us in 2017 and you somehow think that OBUMMER TOOK OUR INTERNETS IT'S ALL HIS FAWLT.
Trump put YO BOY Pai in charge. Every one of YO BOYS in the Republican party are in favor of net neutrality repeal, this is entirely on you and YO BOYS. Swallow it down like you swallow that corporate cock.
(Old Spike)
enjoy your premium internetz...
(Short Spike)
and people thought I was wearing a tin foil hat for stating that this would happen...
(Long Spike)
Yea this is such bs, fuck republicans and niggers.
(Old Spike)
when i lived in australia we had (and still have) something along the lines of no net neutrality but still not even half as bad. we have download limits, so you start the month with 5gb or whatever your plan is (you pay more for more gb per month), so you get your 10mbps or whatever speed you're paying for, but only up to 5gb worth of data downloaded, then you get throttled to dial-up modem speed. i dunno if you guys remember how bad modem speed was, but back then sites were designed to be as low data as possible, so modem speed on the modern internet is a lot worse. even a simple page takes minutes to load, video just forget about it, so what you had to do was basically give up internet on demand for the remaining 2-3 weeks of the month. you'd basically set everything to open or download, then went to bed, and hopefully you'd have enough of what you wanted by the next morning.
people of course complaining, so the telcos started offering say 10gb plans for an extra $40 a month, but of course that didn't cut it, so they started offering their own services, basically if you used their site it wouldn't count towards your download limit. so we all pretty much had to use only the game servers they decided and the news site they hosted, because if you went anywhere else you'd soon hit your limit and you basically no internet for the rest of the month. their crappy and even god fucking awful designated sites were still better than modem speeds.
basically what you're going to get now if it this rule change gets thru congress is that, but for the whole month, not only until you hit a limit. the sites comcast or warner is ok with or who've paid up you get your 100mbps speed, anything else is dial-up ie useless.
(Old Spike)
As someone who stood at the center of the network neutrality storm for 8 years I find it frustrating to observe the discussions that occur. Tim pool commented on this recently. When you're more or less an expert on something nobody discusses it correctly in your view. I suppose the Silver Lining for those super upset that things are going back to the way they were from 1995-2015 is that a man of color is making a great impact in Washington.
(Old Spike)
I admit it sucks but stop reacting as if it is the end of the world. Look at the up side. Now that the ISPs get to freely act like dicks the public outcry will only grow louder until our elected representatives start to sweat losing their positions. It's at that tipping point, where politicans will favor power over money, that they will step up and make Net Neutrality the law of the land.
(Long Spike)
I've gotten quite a few similar responses from idiot right-wingers and yours really isn't that much different: "oh, this is actually good for us despite the fact it's going to fuck us in the ass because if..." I have an idea: how about NOT FUCKING MAKING IT LIKE THIS IN THE FUCKING FIRST PLACE? Trump and the majority of Republicans in office (mostly all in favor of net neutrality repeal because they're corporate jizz lickers) intentionally bypassed democratic avenues by having five fucking people on a council vote on something that affects every single American. If NN were a more well known and understood issue then the Republicans would get fucking creamed comed election time...which is exactly *why* cognitive dissonance is settling in and I'm hearing bullshit arguments about how good NN repeal is because, "oh, now things will be better because it's a tipping point" and other stupid shit.
Fuck you for supporting this. Yes, you support this. Yes, you'll vote for Trump and his Republican, freshly corporately facialed fucks in 2018 and in 2020. You're a fucking corporate cuck who will gladly grab your ankles and take it deep within your colon in the interest of corporate greed and profits. Fuck you for supporting net neutrality repeal, you deserve all the wrath you're getting.
(Old Spike)
I don't understand what exactly all the sky is falling Panic is about here. The internet's only been the way it has been regulated for like the past two years. The new regulations are one of the reasons the company I worked for faltered and kind of failed. Now things are going back to the way they were for 20 years. I'm not trying to make you angry but can you just summarize for me what it is exactly that you felt you gained over the past two years that is now being cruelly ripped from your grasp?
(Long Spike)
I would like to point out that your argument above of "The internet's only bene the way it has been regulated for like the past two years" is another right winger bit of misinformation, although I do not believe that you are spreading it maliciously and I know that you are not a right winger. The false argument states that "net neutrality has only been around since 2015 so why are you so upset?" The issue of 'net neutrality' dates back far, far before Democrat Tom Wheeler proposed net neutrality principles in 2013, reaching as far back as 2005. The reason it seems so murky is because the topic is fairly advanced from a technological point of view and the branding of the phrase "net neutrality" has only become popular vernacular in the past few years; the principle of net neutrality was the status quo from the mid-90's all the way up until recently due to free market restrictions...people in the 90's and early 2000's had a few different ISP options so if one ISP sucked they could just go elsewhere. Well now we have a functional monopoly and there's no question that every ISP is going to start using "fast lane" tactics to suck up more money.
Comcast has been successfully sued in the past for directly throttling customers AND businesses, which with the repeal of net neutrality means they have the right to do so again. Essentially the FCC repeal of net neutrality principles lets corporations have more options and power to charge consumers because you and I both like Pornhub.com and Fakku.net...so why wouldn't these ISP's intentionally slow their connection for you and I and then offer us a super special deal that for only $14.95 a month they'll put Pornhub and Fakku on a "fast track"?
(Old Spike)
I just woke up to pee but I have quite a bit I can respond with tomorrow. I essentially wrote Comcast's response to the United States Congress I was right there in the middle of all of that. But it's not right wing propaganda or malicious lies it's just the reality of the situation from an industry perspective and from the perspective of the pressures that have guided the decisions of service providers. You are looking at it more from a sociological perspective. I think in this argument people tend to take one perspective at the expense of the other entirely. At least that's been my experience but I'll have more to say tomorrow I can even offer some links to specific white papers I wrote if they are still available online. I'm pretty sure they are still online because my former company is being cannibalized as we speak and there's pretty much no one left there to stay on top of such things.
(Long Spike)
I would like to read those to get a greater perspective, but let me warn you in advance that I do not care about the woes of the ISP's. Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, and all the other multi-billion dollar companies are doing just fine. I'm looking out for number 1, I'm looking out for the little guy and the repeal of net neutrality hurts the little guy.
(Long Spike)
Are you seriously trying to argue with Trumptard logic? Give it up. Everything going to be tremendous, wonderful, and bigly fantastic. Anything bad happening is because of Obama and Hillary.......oh yeah thanks for the tax break suckers!
(Old Spike)
No I'm offering you an opportunity to learn from someone who actually helped write policy. When I get home tonight I'll have my laptop back and I can offer some links to some papers that explain the issue in all its complicated glory. Donald Trump had nothing to do with vendor recommendations and Regulatory guidelines as adopted by service providers between 2007 and 2015. All of that was driven by the Obama Administration.
(Long Spike)
"Donald Trump had nothing to do with vendor recommendations and Regulatory guidelines as adopted by service providers between 2007 and 2015. All of that was driven by the Obama Administration."
Okay. But today's date is 12/16/17 and humans live in the present. He is the President of the United States of America, the most powerful person in the world, and I also notice that he wasn't exactly powerless when the net neutrality principles repeal occurred yesterday...some would dare say he played a role in assisting its repeal.
(Old Spike)
As I thought, hilariously all of my stuff is STILL up, unaltered. In consultation with the FCC and CRTC this was the whitepaper I produced to advise service providers in Canada and the US about what they were permitted to do: https://www.sandvine.com/downloads/general/whitepapers/reasonable-network-management.pdf
I'll have more to say when I get home and upload these super fantastic dog videos to my YouTube channel.
(Long Spike)
This is an image of a comment that someone wrote, but it's fairly spot on, because it accurately shows what is going to happen:
(Long Spike)
Mad max incoming. Has the world gone mad? I need to be on the side of Google, Youtube and Facebook who all support NN, because they never overstep and this protects the little guy.
(Long Spike)
The "net neutrality didn't exist before 2015 and things were fine then so it's not a problem" is a right wing lie and piece of misinformation. You can use this nifty timeline to see that net neutrality issues have reached back as far as 2005.
Edit: you edited your post so now mine looks weird.
(Long Spike)
Sorry about that, didn't see Fullauto's video. So I watched his video to see if it would change my mind. It hasn't. The carriers fucked up and blocked shit, people caught them, they were fined and lost subscibers. End of story. The FCC over stepped there bounds so needed more control. Then why take away that control? I don't see the end game. Happy to discuss with you guys, my thoughts below.
By letting ISP's create this "fast lane" will speed up the internet for everyone.
Let me explain. I don't want to talk about what they can do, because it is not specifically printed they can't do it. So I am going to talk about what they can do and want to do that has been suggested.
This "fast lane" is like fiber between the carrier and corporation. Let us use Youtube for example. Youtube has videos that can be and are almost always watched in 720p or higher. (Bandwidth hogs) This causes everyone else to slow down from the provider's point of view. They have more people streaming now in higher quality, taking up more bandwidth than they can handle. Basically, they have over sold their bandwidth.
Analogy: The internet is a store like Bestbuy. Usally people come and go, sometime there is rush and other times it only has a few people in it. This is the internet, you plan for how busy your store is and what times you are swamped and empty and allocate your bandwidth accordingly. Black Friday hits or Spikes new video content is availabe, and everyone clicks to see it and rushes in, because every person is trying to get into the same "store" for example, they internet is slowed down as the bandwidth is allocated across everyone and now everyone is buffering or timing out.
If you took the most wanted items in the store and creat a warehouse that the providers of the content not the ISP paid for to have quicker access to it, than you would alleviate traffic in both stores and everyone runs smoother. Although, the warehouse might charge a door fee to get in, The store is still the same price and faster than before.
All the big carriers of content are against this because they will have to front the money for the fast lane, and not the ISP. Google, Netflix and Youtube. Doing this will speed up the internet hopefully put us in the TOP 10 countries for internet speed. Kind of weird, with the US being the founder and all, that we aren't in the top 10.
(Long Spike)
I think we can continue this conversation in one of the new threads. There are like 3-4 more vids on this uploaded now. I will try to educate myself and see what I am missing.
(Long Spike)
I am 1000% certain they won't be increasing speeds but rather decreasing speeds on particular sites or for people who don't pay for their fast lane service. This certainly isn't about making internet connections faster, it's about selectively slowing some of them down. That is not a boon nor is it desired.
(Short Spike)
republicunt logic.
Free speech to call black people niggers and say what ever they want with impunity. Less gubment interference, stay away from our toys.
Sells the internet to the plutocrats who ultimately want to revert back to commercial television times and Trump is a real man who represents our establishment unrest.
Enjoy your communistic internet who operates for money now.
fucking children.
(Old Spike)
I just want to point out that calling black people "niggers" and saying what ever we want with impunity with no "gubment" interference is what freedom of speech is all about. Freedom of speech doesn't exist to protect popular speech. It protects ignorant racist the same as it protects people who claim there are five thousand genders and claim it's OK to sexualize children by allowing them to pretend they're the opposite gender and deserve to be injected with drugs to prevent puberty. It even protects Mr. Fudd, be it his Communist sermons or his treasonous attacks on the 2nd Amendment rights of his fellow citizens.
(Short Spike)
Your justifications ignoring actual consequences of your hero president is beyond boring. The bullshit whataboutisms deflecting back to the left like partisan ping pong, will not stop
or ignore the true source corrosion. You can whine all day about gender identity politics, fake news Which Noam Chompsky's talked about decades ago. Now it's a dumbed down simpleton's buzz-meme. "Jingoism and propaganda are the best tools to suppress critical thinking and corporate news is its best delievrance system." (but be's a liberal jew fag). Where was I regarding your grocery list of distractive issues?...Oh yea...Feministic, leftist univerisity students shutting down critical thinking institutions.. LOL real issues impacting the heart of culture? or just young people always at odds in univeristies for over half a century. An ex-presidential candidate who barely impacts you're everyday life except as a bad memory AKA Hillary Clinton.
Clinging furiously to your conservative idealogical blindfold, hellbent on keeping people on culturally lateral sides. Meanwhile everything we hold dear is ready to be sold to the highest bidder and your elected president is one the auctioneers. While this is happening and IT IS happening, you are defending ideas you can't touch and principles not fully applicable to reality as much as maintaining a divisive position. Corporate run leaderships thrive on this mentality and you're a massive fool if you think otherwise. Obssessed with blaming the wrong people doesnt change shit.
(Old Spike)
I don't think Trump is the evil you need to vanquish, though. He has, so far, been largely ineffective because establishment Republicans won't get on board with him. Democrats have no power but feel largely the same about him. When you live in a country that promises you choice, and you come across a situation in which that choice is revealed to actually be either non-existent or trivial, do you really have a choice? People have been saying for a long time that politicians are full of shit and that the two parties are owned by the same people. Maybe the times we're living in now are the most obvious that this is the case because we have a president that both parties hate specifically because he's not from politics and has none of the social grace to buy you dinner before fucking your ass into prolapse. All these Trumptards that have ruined the world and brought about the apocalypse have not been able to bring any of their so-called hellish agenda into fruition because of bipartisan gridlock, so if the world sucks now, who really strangled it?
I think the real dispair here is that most people still think along partisan lines. Like if only their guy won instead of Trump, we'd have a perfect world. They come to places like this to lash out over a decision none of us could've affected either way. A signifanct number of users on this site aren't even from the US, and those that are, aren't all Trump supporters. We didn't get him elected on our own, and this decision in particular was decided by unelected bureaucrats. Nobody even reads this site but a ragtag group of misfits. What real difference does it make to piss on each other besides the thrill of jerking yourself in public?
Some of you claim you don't like this place because of how devisive the election has made it. I agree, but I also find it funny how things like this highlight how all the civility goes out the window when it suits you.
(Long Spike)
I was one of those people who complained about the divisiveness of SpikedNation just a few months back...and look at me now, calling out Republicans for gutting a regulation that is meant to protect citizens from the overreach of giant corporations. I successfully avoided talking politics on here for awhile but this particular issue crosses the line so I decided to speak up. The repeal of net neutrality is specifically a Republican-lead issue and it was the leader of the Republicans who ultimately made it so that we're in the position we're in right now. The reason I'm shitting all over this issue is because it innately matters to all of us and even to SpikedNation.com. If Youtube gets put on a fast track plan (and believe me, it will...) then embedding vidoes on lesser sites causes a problems for the giant ISPs so they will ensure that Youtube videos get throttled here on SpikedNation.com as well. There is a timeline of the ISPs already attempting to perform these actions in the past so it is quite foolish to think they won't do it now that it is completely legal. This is an issue that *matters* and I'm speaking up about it. If some Republican wants to refute me then I invite them to challenge me.
(Long Spike)
Fuck Net Neutrality
(Long Spike)
How have net neutrality principles specifically harmed you? If you would like I can tell you how net neutrality principles have specifically aided you. Let's compare them, shall we?
(Long Spike)
Skip trying to debate Trumptards. They will call every truth about the disaster of Trump fake news and tell you he's the greatest president since Lincoln when he's a pathological liar. Just sit back and watch everything shit the bed. Fuck it. Don't try to find them after that either because they will just play the lie-deny-deflect-redirect-blame others-declare victory whataboutism bullshit. We're fucked. Period. I'm just glad I'm going to sail through the muck. People who sat back and allowed it all to happen and believed his bullshit get no sympathy. They are the carnival morons who got suckered at the sham games.
They still think they are like the coal miners who will be living in mansions while the wealthy got massive tax cut gifts. I'm going to make out well but at least I'm sharp enough to recognize the massive con job put over on the majority.
(Old Spike)
I wouldn't worry too much about this. If ISPs want to fuck with the internet the internet will fuck them in the ass harder thn they can imagine.