Banned Weinstein TED Talk


Grothesk's picture

What happened to your last Styx video?  It had like 5 votes on it and I watched it, tried to comment, and then it disappeared like 4 minutes later.

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skeptoid's picture

I could be wrong, but I believe Pantysoaker posted that one. I had a comment in there too about Styx's shiny chest skin. I believe the post was rapidly voted off by the censorship squad - have to remember too that when something with a 2.9 gets an 11th vote of 1/5 that post disappears from the site forever, which I think should be tweaked. To disappear forever it should get a lower score than that, and often the posts that generate the most discussion, whether polarizing or constructive, are in the 2.5-2.9 range. In that sense the site is literally set up to ensure motivated and potentially fruitful discussions about complex and controversial issues get nixed right quick, with 4-5 folks who have volunteered to be on duty sporadically for that job.


With a membership this small, it simply becomes a race to see which side can get it to the front page or deleted forever, with the majority not even viewing the video I'm guessing. Those interested in discussion are shit out of luck, which is sad because it was what this site was all about.

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