An innocent unarmed youth with his hands up was executed by racist Little Rock, Arkansas police at a traffic stop. Charles' life was taken too soon. Please donate to his Go Fund Me page.
Chambering rounds can obviously cost precious time.
(6 votes)
(Long Spike)
(Long Spike)
The sound heard in slow motion at the very end of the video sounds like one of the monsters dying in Doom 1:
(Old Spike)
So when exactly are you going to pontificate about how the cops shouldn't be armed, Mr. Fudd?
(Long Spike)
The standard memorial of candles and stuffed toys has been posted. Immediately, Black Lives Matter supporters on social media came out screaming about white police killing an unarmed black youth but have become silent since the police released the video though some have called the police "Too rough" with the pistol-packing teenager.
Oh, and the standard picture of the dead thug smiling in 7th grade on the way to church has also been released by his family.
The lawyer already hired by the family gave a brief statement while leaving a play for the lawsuit lottery open for himself and the family. 'We're not at a point where we can make any conclusions'
(Old Spike)
"The story don't even add up dough but we gon get justice thou', ya know."
1:20 - Obligatory "He din-do-nuffin"
(Long Spike)
Jeeeezus-fucking-christ What a bunch of fucking shitpiles. Total denial.
(Old Spike)
No matter how nice they seem, never agree to give the gang member a drive home from the party.
(Short Spike)
+1 Darwin Award
(Old Spike)
In the video you can hear the guy, almost crying, say "I can't go to jail." before trying to murder the cops thus resulting in his death. The guy was 17, he could have just owned up to the weed and unlawful carrying of a weapon and would have gotten off with a slap on the wrist in juvenile court. How fucking dumb do you have to be to think you can win a 1 on 3 gun fight while you're on the ground and the cops are all standing above you?
(Short Spike)
Abraham Lincoln dumb
(Short Spike)
JK lol
all that over weed and bearing an arm