The fascinating story of the inhabitants of North Sentinel Island where noone is allowed to go. It's hard to believe there's any place left on Earth with people who are untouched by modernity. But there is one tribe that still lives without agriculture, fire, or any real knowledge of the outside world. The Sentinelese, as they're known, live on one of the Andaman Islands, an archipelago off the coast of Myanmar (Burma). Their home, North Sentinel Island, is governed by India, but almost no one from outside the tribe has ever set foot there.
Stop watching at 4:45, it turns into an advertisement.
(23 votes)
(Long Spike)
This is some fuckin' tits content. Very interesting and well presented.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Somehow I fail to believe they were left alone. Someone must me going there, doing some weird sciency shit to them. I wouldn't be surprised if they're injecting them with superhuman serum.
(Long Spike)
"With this serum I have the might of 1 pulley, the speed of a Chevy Nova, and the calculating skills of an Atari! Fear me, lesser mortals!"
(Old Spike)
I wonder what conspiracy theories they have to describe helicopters.
(Long Spike)
That's a good question. I'd assume it would be how most of our ancestors explained lightning up until just 200 years ago...it's something that sometimes happens and we don't know why or what it is.
(Old Spike)
i like how they gave them bags of rice and they dont know how to cook, anyway we could take these suckers, send some christian pedophiles over there and introduce them into the new age.
(Site Administrator)
I'd give anything to hear what the wisest person on that island knows.
(Long Spike)
"Man go to bed with itchy asshole wake up smelly finger."
(Old Spike)
"Man shake tree, strong headache, but fresh coconut"
(Long Spike)
(Short Spike)
Freaking Prime Directive. Also, arrows vs helis are more efective than previously anticipated. Don't let ISIS in on this.
(Long Spike)
Give them a mirror and watch 'em freak out! :D