"I don't need snow tires. I have a 4 wheel drive Jeep!"

phanto's picture

Angry Man Stuck in Snow

I forgot to add a description!

Average: 4.7 (19 votes)


bronobo's picture

doesn't look prepared. no gloves, no $5 plastic shovel, spining tires instead of looking for space to build momentum. guy may be new to snow, but my dad sometimes does this.

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Grothesk's picture

Hah, this was a very satisfactory video.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

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thegent's picture
Discord user

winter tyres make a big difference and starting off in second gear..thats my wisdom for today

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Polski's picture

I have to chime in here. Winter tires would not have helped the guy. The fact is that this Jeep just has a shitty AWD system, the tires that have traction don't get power and the tires with no traction spin freely. You can see the traction control trying to do it's thing when the tires spin at different rates, but the entire time it's sending power to the wrong wheels. A good AWD system will move the car even if only one wheel has grip. Also, Jeep is now owned by Chrysler, that alone should indicate how shitty it is.

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phanto's picture

I'm not defending Jeep's AWD system but snow tires would have definitely made a difference none the less. I could have gotten a FWD car out of that spot with not too much hassle if it had good winter tires.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

winter tyres make a difference

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andypeterson35's picture

Maybe release some air from the tires, den u get sum mo trizaction

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Cahu's picture

Snow tires are just normal tires with less cold compression. If the surface is iced or slippery you're still in trouble. Problem here is definitely a poor AWD system. The Honda adaptive AWD system for example would've made quick work of that. Shame Honda cannot build quality chasis, unlike Toyota, that can build chasis and 4x4 but have shit quality bodies that fall to fucking pieces after 1 year. Only safe bet is getting a Lexus, but of course those cost a fucking fortune.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

if you can buy a lexus you can buy a mercedes so why would you buy a lexus? 

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Nzo's picture

Reliability and resale doesnt drop like a rock the next day?

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thegent's picture
Discord user

lexus is made by toyota..no tyre works on ice unless you have chains but winter tyres would help better than summer ones..

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gardendaleguy's picture

snow tires or not, when snow & ice get into the treads, all tires become too smooth a surface to gain traction. (especially on an incline!) ive heard it is useful to keep a bag of kitty litter in the trunk at all times to pour around stuck tires, but havent tried it. In this type of situation, it's usually most effective to rock the steering wheel while gassing it, then throwning it into reverse, and then back into drive..rocking yourself out . helps in mud too

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CombatGod's picture

I use to live in Chicago and park on the street with my Civic. I would wake up to everything covered in snow and watch as people would spend half an hour digging out their cars on the street. Especially if a snow plow came through every car would be walled in by 2-3 feet of snow. Because I had a light Civic I would just slowly rock it back and forth gently until I was able to a small path for myself. Then just go back get momentum and drive out... Would alwas love the dumbfounded looks of people with shovels as I drove out of my entombment in my cheap ass Civic...

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