[OC] Sculpting Dobby - Timelapse

Rakshir's picture

Sculpting Dobby - Harry Potter special - timelapse sculpt and airbrush demo

Decided to go for a fun sculpt this time around.  Really pleased with how he turned out.  He brightens the room so much that I left him inside.  :)     Hope you guys enjoy it.  Let me know what you think - LoreCraft

Average: 5 (4 votes)


Rakshir's picture

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trooper_trent's picture

Better every time man.  keep it up! I love these!

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Rakshir's picture

 Thanks, friend.  Working hard!  I have an exhibition in May, it looks like, so going to try to produce several more before then and have them ready for display :)   I'm in the UK, so if you're nearby, you're most welcome.

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