Release The Memo!

eh's picture

Trump will not release Democrats' memo

The transparency that Trump constantly hails has resulted in the hiding of the Democratic memo. It has gone the way of his tax returns in his ruthless pursuit of transparency. The hell with the Democrats but for Trump to say he was releasing the Republican memo without reading it and now refusing to release this one is another example of Trump being a failure as president. Trumptards who screamed "Release the memo! Release the memo!" over and over again are strangely silent now. The double standard and hypocrisy of Trump incredibly enough has reached another level.

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eh's picture
Even Trumptard Nation wants transparency.........right?
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skeptoid's picture

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danmanjones's picture

Well it doesn't matter if he releases it or not. Politically, just the fact that it exists allows Democrat supporters to claim the Nunes memo holds less weight. And nothing will change as a result of these memos anyway. Hilary should be prosecuted for deleting those emails & people  should lose their jobs for carrying out this BS Trump-Russia investigation for so long without any real evidence.

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eh's picture

LOL So you are for one memo to be released and the other to be kept under wraps? That's bizarre. I thought Trumptards were all for transparency and this stinks of clear partisanship. Not good. Going straight to "But Hillary" is fucked up.

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skeptoid's picture



agreement or cooperation between two political parties that usually oppose each other's policies.

"a renewed spirit of political bipartisanship".

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eh's picture

Thx. Corrected.

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skeptoid's picture

I don't suppose you'd find it hilarious that this guy agrees with you?


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danmanjones's picture

I'll take your word for it. I can't watch that guy with or without a shirt on.

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danmanjones's picture

First the Dems were fighting to not release the Nunes memo, even going to court trying to keep it out of the public domain, now they have their own memo that they desparately want to release. It's pretty fucked how much they've politicized law enforcement at the top level. That Adam Schiff guy is a creep.

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skeptoid's picture

Schiff is genuinely disturbing.

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eh's picture

Schiff truly is an idiot. The issue is both "Versions" being released so the tale of transparency can at least sound OK. Trump saying he would release the Nunes draft before he read it and it was even vetted, then not releasing the one from the Democrats-now he's saying a heavily redacted version may be released-is a bad look. Just release the memos and let people decide. Everyone I've dealt with seemed to agree on that from the beginning. Anyone who doesn't is too far left or too far right and useless.

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danmanjones's picture

I don't see how ther can be another version of what was leaked in the Nunes memo. Either that stuff is true or not. All the Dems are trying to do is leak more classified info into the public.

If they have a rebuttal to what was leaked then they should just say it.

You can't fight to keep the Nunes memo classified, lose, and then try to declassify stuff for your own political purposes. It makes you look like a hypocrite.

BTW I'd like them too release it too out of curiosity although I suspect it's a bunch of political talking points with no hard evidence of any kind like the rest of their bullshit.

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Dagambit's picture

What is the complaint? There are things in the memo according to Trump that are classified, redact them and footnote it. Same as the Grassley memo.


Release the memo. At this point I fail to understand how they are classifying intel. I used to read Secret and Top Secret messages all the time, and Secret messages 90% of them didn't really seem secret to me. So if they included methods in their memo than take it out. Add the words Verified and release it. Sounds like politics again. I want all memos and FISC applications released personally so we can stop pointing the finger and start holding people accountable.


Waiting on Rubio, and McCain to come up dirty in this. Covering it up or voluteering to give false info and expedite it. Mark my words, there is corruption, it isn't Trump, but it sure as hell isn't one side.

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