Derren Brown - Zombie Arcade Hypnosis

gardendaleguy's picture

Waking Up In A Zombie Nightmare - Derren Brown

im certain this was uploaded to the old site, but worth a re-share.

Average: 3 (7 votes)


thegent's picture
Discord user

derren brown is a nasty man

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trooper_trent's picture

How so?

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thegent's picture
Discord user

just a kind of sick thing to do to someone..a lot of his stuff involves kinda fucking hard with people..i think he is a great performer but its kinda fucked up shit..

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blue_devil's picture

I'm not buying this as real. It's just to easy to fake because the guy can be in on it.Also the risc that the victim would start kicking or otherwise injure the actors playng the zombies is way to great and i doubt that any tv show would risc it.

And another ideea is that even if you were the victim wouldn't you start laughting at the fake ass zombies comming towards you ? There is no guaranty that the victim would act like a 12 year old and not go well this is obviously a joke of some sort.

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skeptoid's picture

I have to think this is fake because the danger to the actors would be too great if this dude actually believed he was in danger. 

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