Trump Creates Fake News


puttefnask's picture

This would be a lot more convincing if it wasn't conveyed as a comedy routine.

By that I mean that there's quite enough of comedians giving Americans "the facts".

And by comedians, I mean producers and writers with obvious political agendas in order to sway public opinion.

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Grothesk's picture

Hah, these are stil pretty funny.  Don't know why people are voting this down.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Image result for gaslighting meme
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skeptoid's picture

One of the easiest examples to understand is when a spouse is cheating and repeatedly insists their partner is "crazy" for having suspicions. That's one form of gaslighting, a behavior that can really fuck a person up. It is a behavior that is sociopathic in nature but not solely limited to those that would fit the total definition of sociopath.

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Pyranique's picture

If you get emotional about politics, you shouldn't be allowed to your opinion. Only rational, informed, critical thinking people should be concerned about politics.


Politics is the process of making decisions that apply to members of a group. Since when do we let emotional people take group decisions? or any decisions?

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