Spiked Trumptard Nation worships their speedfreak pill-popper in chief because Trump-lovers are scab-picking trailer trash who would sell their own mother just to suck Trump's dick.
Hi everyone. My name is skeptoid and that was just a small preview of a great event coming soon to SpikedNation - "Berg Day". For Spike's first monthly Berg Day the denizens of this great Internet locale are encouraged to post their best Trump roasts in the spirit of and in solidarity with Berg, who has returned to us once again as SUPER FRIENDS. This family-friendly event is a single day - 24 hours - where participants will compete to produce the very best in Trump Derangement Syndrome larpage, with the winner chosen by Berg herself or, if Berg is too busy, FullAuto. The rules are as follows:
1. No putting names, even "Berg", in the titles of your vid posts - immediate disqualification.
2. No specific threats of violence towards any member, even jokingly - this is supposed to be fun.
3. No double-posting or post spamming (comment sections excepted, but, let's not go crazy).
The event will begin this Friday, March 2nd, at 12 pm and end 24 hours later at which point Berg will announce the winner. Thanks everyone and I hope to see you there!
(Old Spike)
Good clip. Funny tho that Joe is amazed about human/machine theory in the 60's. Machines have been around for centuries. The just got smaller lately.