so wtf is going on? i have 500 points but still can't comment. "my points balance" is currently showing the correct 500, but usally shows anything from 1140 points to -4.
out of the first 30 vids on the page there are a total of 16 comments, so clearly others are also having the same problem. discussion on the site is dead, clearly there's a problem with the sytem, could we at least get some information? ton of clever folks on the site who can even help you pin down the cause of whatever the trouble is.
(13 votes)
(Old Spike)
email mods@spikednation.com
that's what I did and they fixed it right up.
(Old Spike)
In the "My points balance" window on the left the tally fluctuates wildly for me too, but if you go to the users by points page it is always accurate.
(Old Spike)
Me too. Sometimes it shows a little over 400pts and at others it 760pts. I have no clue WTF is going on.
(Short Spike)
I had to email the mods too. I think its kinda unbalanced. I understand why they did what they did but it needs adjusting a bit. also thanks nakey!<3
Also does everyone else have to go to google to pull up the page? I might need to delete history or something.
(Long Spike)
my points are all over the place too.
(Old Spike)
Just like ur mom
(Old Spike)
If you ever played any variation of the "Close Combat Series" PC games, you'll relate to that feeling of terror of finding the enemy group has a Panzer or a Tiger when all you have is a Sherman and a Bazooka Team. You start thinking about hiding your tank, and somehow getting the enemy tank to fall for some kind of ambush so you can catch it where its armor is thinnest. You gotta remember that aiming down a Bazooka, at a tank that will KILL you if you miss (AT teams become inmediate priorities once they are discovered and reloading a Bazooka is not as easy as it sounds), and that will, in all probability, just bounce your rocket off can really affect your aim and reaction. I myself would probably just piss/shit myself in that situation. But then again I can't even convince myself to stand up during paintball matches.
But NOTHING compares to the sheer terror German tank commanders faced during the first assault on the Russian front when they started encountering T-34's and IS-2's on open terrain. Away from home, away from family, alone inside a tin metal can, trying as best as you can to keep out of site of the 122mm cannon's of the IS-2 and the speed of the T-34. Russians are the very reason Germany designed the newer, bigger and harder Panthers and Tigers. But of course by that time Russians we're improving their own designs and we all know how that turned out.
(Site Administrator)
yeah, it's a bug. critikal will get around to fixing it soon.
i'm helping where i can.
(Old Spike)
all fixed nakey tyvm.
edit: i guess you're also working on the replies not stacking correctly? my first was to beer420 but it ended up at the bottom as though it was a reply to you.
(sounds retarded)
I too was under the asumption that I had to reach 500 pionts but I cant remember where I got that idea from and if it was even written somewhere. I had to email the mod to get it fixed after I reached 500 pionts and nothing happened. I was able to make one comment but then I was not able to on any videos, thought it was a glitch or somethign and I had to reach 500 pionts.
(Old Spike)
took your advice and they fixed it, ty!
(Old Spike)
very welcome sir
(Site Administrator)
yup [@sato] it's on the list.