What on Earth is 'White Terrorism?'

Fullauto223cal's picture

What on Earth is 'White Terrorism?'

Some young progressives bitch about 'white terrorism' when they should be cleaning their rooms.

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ninjzz3.0's picture















Charged conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction but go on......

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Wow, so the most important common thread between these guys is that they are fucking white?  And you think everyone else is a racist.  You might want to look in a mirror.


Why is it that when you hear "Islamic" you automatically assume I'm only referring to the non-whites Islamist?  Nobody is pointing to "brown terrorist" so what is your hang up with point to "white terrorist" as some sort of counterpoint to the Islamic type?

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pimp635's picture
Beta Tester



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ninjzz3.0's picture
Image result for white mental ill terrorism
All mental ill and look there is something common about them...... Cant put my finger on it Auto Help me out here...
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Kingofcroydonia's picture

Did they all fuck your mother? 

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skeptoid's picture

They all look completely insane?

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Fullauto223cal's picture

All of four of them are NOT terrorist.

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Grothesk's picture

James Holmes literally walked into the most crowded place he could and shot people indiscriminately.  


What the fuck is your definition of "terrorism", FullAutoGal?

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Good evening Mr. Fudd, shot any more quail lately?


What is my definition of terrorism?  That's simple, it's the actual definition of terrorism.  "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."


None of those four dickheads had political aims.


My definition is the real definition you racist morons on the loony left refuse to acknowledge, because you desperately want to avoid admitting 90+% of actual terrorist attacks are committed by followers of Islam, because for some dumb ass reason you think Islam is a RACE, therefore you ignore the definition in order to lump in a few white dudes who were mass murderers.

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n0val33t's picture
front page

Every single terrorist in the west... same pathalogy, brown or white *shrug* When a psycological profile is presented, it's the same shit everytime. So if the browns are terrorists, whitey is to! 

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Kingofcroydonia's picture

Its weird seeing this generation go so far to the  left, they've gone full circle and have become the authoritarians and racists... And they still haven't figured out that there is no racial scapegoat to blame for the socioeconomic shortcomings we face today. It's a fight between rich and poor  no matter what the news tells you. 

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Grothesk's picture

The main voices I hear talking about income inequality are squarely from the Left.  Bernie Sanders, Occupy Democrats, Hillary Clinton...who else do you hear talking about income inequality?

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Of course the main voice bitching and moaning about some people having more money that others on the left because the left are socialist/communist.  The left demands equality of outcome, as opposed to equality of opportunity.

Bernie Sanders is a millionaire hypocrite who gives speeches about "income inequality" and proposed socialism/communism as the answer.


Anyone I hear bitching about "income inequality" is admitting they are a fucking commie and a danger to liberty.

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PGFL1988's picture

Is income inequality ever a bad thing?


I think it's either a fundamental misunderstanding of the left or willful ignorance to assume that people on the left are opposed to 'some people having more money than others'. 

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Grothesk's picture

The reason "brown terrorism" isn't a phrase is because the people in charge who brought the term "terrorism" to the forefront of Western lexicon (neo-Conservatives from the early 2000's after 9/11) automatically inserted the assumption of the word into terrorism as it is.  


The only reason you're seeing the phrase "white terrorism" is because historical revisionists love to move the goal posts as frequently as they can.  Even right now in the face of white terrorism you've got some bottom-of-the-barrel right winger Youtuber (8,000 views, LOL) denying that it is even a thing and FullAutoGal furiously stroking his dick right along with him.  

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Fullauto223cal's picture

The reason "brown terrorism" isn't a phrase is because the people in charge who brought the term "terrorism" to the forefront of Western lexicon (neo-Conservatives from the early 2000's after 9/11) automatically inserted the assumption of the word into terrorism as it is.


That is largest pile of utter bullshit I've ever read.  The reason people assume the chances are better than not that a terrorist attacker is going to be non-white is because of the reality that 90+% of terror attacks are commited by people who are not white.  We don't call it brown terrorism because those of us on the right are not the ones focusing on the skin color of the attacker because their skin color isn't the cause of the attack.

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danmanjones's picture

White terrorism is what happened to Libya.

And before that Iraq.

And before that Afghanistan.


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flynn's picture


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skeptoid's picture

This limey is hilariously cheeky.

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