Maria Korshunova is one of those gorgeous Ukrainian women but has an interesting story. She was out at a restaurant when the son of a political figure in Ukraine, who had been married the week before, came on to her. Honestly, it's tough to blame him.....sorta. She refused his advances and he pawed her, punched her, and dragged her around by her hair. Because it was all caught on film, they actually made a show trial and as is usual in Ukraine with assaults on women, especially when someone with connections is involved, he was just let go.
What I really like, even though she got beat to shit, is that she delivered a good solid right before she got demolished. That and she is fucking hot.
(16 votes)
(Long Spike)
Maria has a lot going for her. Looking even hotter without makeup and not speaking a word of English is priceless. The downside of her being psychologically damaged after the attack on her and confining herself to her home is just a minor thing...
(Short Spike)
I wish I wasn't so fuckin ugly
(Old Spike)
np just get rich.
(Long Spike)
Getting laid is just a numbers game with attempts as well as money effecting quality although ones own attractiveness and humor is obviously a factor. A friend of mine has it all and easily does well while another looks like a bulldog and is about as sharp as a stump but tries so often along with being funny and he does just as well. I'm lucky.....except for looking like Stalin, but wished I had adopted the bulldog friend's technique early in life before being in a serious relationship.
(Old Spike)
very disappointed with the abolishing of the GIF section
(Long Spike)
(Long Spike)
Wish I had been there, would have knocked the shit out of him.
(Long Spike)
Normally, I'd have to agree. Dragging a 120 pound girl by the hair is perhaps the one situation where you are fully justified in unloading a massive sucker punch on an attacker. Unfortunately, Ukraine is so corrupt that if you hit that connected guy, you would go to jail and he would walk away immediately just like he did for the attack. Someone crushing him with a massive punch would have made the video though.
(Long Spike)
It's even tougher for models in Dubai. The money is good though, so they keep going and getting raped and defecated on by rich arabs. (why is shitting on hot women a turn-on for them?)