Gun Rights Argument #2941992


skeptoid's picture

Looks like an interesting documentary.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

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Fullauto223cal's picture

The left refuses to learn or even acknowledge the difficult lessons of history.  The State does not exist to protect individuals.  The State may come in and eventually restore order, but while chaos is happening you are on your own.


Oh, but this skinny fuck in Florida named David Hogg is telling everyone to turn in their weapons because suddenly he's a god damn expect for having been in a building next to a building that was attacked by a mass murderer.

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sato's picture

dude it totally exists to protect the individual, that's the entire point of having a military - collective defense. also all of the law enforcement agencies from homeland defense through federal police right down to city police exist solely to protect the rights of individuals.


on the video i agree guns do help when major shit like the LA riots goes down, the thing is in every other case for the 25+ years between incidents like the riots they make things worse. you're talking about history as if all of history was the civil war. history includes the 10's of thousands of people killed yearly because bad guys can easily get guns from good guys. the same laws that allowed these guys to defend themselves with guns allowed the guys who they were defending against to also get guns, and those same laws also have allowed thousands of other shop owners to get shot. in 2015 armed robbers entered a gun store and the owners fought back. one owner died and 3 robbers were wounded. this is also history. when you say learn from history, you can't just pick the parts of history you like and not learn from the rest of it.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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That sounds like an arguement of someone who has NEVER EVEN ONCE actually had to fight for their life.

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sato's picture

yeah we don't have to fight for our lives here, because there's nobody for criminals to get guns from. on the rare occasion it does happen, police take care of it. what's more common is someone trying to do a robbery with a knife (no legal gun owners to buy/steal/borrow from), and they get their asses kicked by 10+ unarmed civilians before the police come to mop up. more action happens because they aren't afraid of being shot.

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Grothesk's picture

Serious question:  have you legitimately had to fight for your life?  If so, tell us the circumstances.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Yes, No less than 3 times in the last 10 years. In peaceful fucking Canada. Blocks away from parlaiment even.


2 attempted muggings, the last one I was standing up for a friend who going to get beaten to death. First mugging, guy had a needle, Second mugging one with a knife, the last altercation he had a rock.


All 3 times a gun would have been a pretty handy deterrant. All 3 times not ONE MOTHER FUCKING COP IN SIGHT!



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skeptoid's picture

Where were the two not blocks away from Parliament - were you in Bayshore? It used to be pretty bad in the 90s for gang stuff but I thought that faded away over a decade ago. LOL Were you blocks away from Parliament as in on Dalhousie Street or whatever the latest designated street has been chosen for needlers and hookers as the police play the game of slowly moving them around the city? 


Somone tried to mug me in Kanata 20 years ago. He claimed to have a gun in his back pocket and tried to rob my friends and I at an ATM. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I recognized his accomplice - played hockey with him growing up. "Hi Keith how's it going bud?" and the mugging was aborted. Don't know if he actually had a gun.


But running into that kind of trouble three times in 10 years in Ottawa only happens if you're livin' in the city. Get out of the city. In case it's not obvious I really don't like large cities, even if I think they're the best of all the cities. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

All three incidents were on bank st. one st over from where I live.


I have to walk through 3 seperate flavors of skid row on my way to and from work in the byward market.


You wouldn't believe what people will fight over in coffee shops.

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skeptoid's picture

Damn sounds to me like things have deteriorated since I visited regularly pre-2005. I've hardly been into Ottawa since except for an event like Winterlude or Canada day.

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danmanjones's picture

David Joo is an American hero

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eh's picture

I'm just disappointed that "The right to bear arms" doesn't include grenades, rocket launchers, tanks, attack helicopters, ground attack and fighter planes, missiles, nuclear weapons, and more. Otherwise, how are we suppoesed to battle the state as individuals? We need more firepower, the hell with more people dying. It's all about the 2nd Amendment.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

What really ticks me off is when people try to push restrictions on other countries on what weapons they can and can't have. 

Kuvahaun tulos haulle Kim Jong-un nuke




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Grothesk's picture

What's funny is that I recently saw FullAutoGal and some other right-wingers bringing up the argument that the Founding Fathers intended for civilians to have the same weaponry and military might as the military and that is the entire reason for the 2nd amendment.  They dropped that shit real quick because there weren't no civilians in 1775-1776 touting around a goddamn cannon or purchasing any warships for pleasure sailing in New York Harbor.  Despite the fact that 2nd amendment absolutists keep stressing how "it shall not be infringed", we are certainly fucking infringed by not being able to own rocket launchers, grenades, or tanks.  It really showcases how radicalized their interpretation is that they can't see that they are already infringed and they also can't reasonably state that Joe Bub on Skunk Trail should be able to own a rocket launcher.

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sato's picture

exactly. it says "bear arms", not "bear any/all arms" and they readily acknowledge that.

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eh's picture

They should have to pry nuclear weapons from my cold dead hands.

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skeptoid's picture

Carefully. Very carefully.

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eh's picture

LOL. Indeed.

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