Mental ill BRO BRO

ninjzz3.0's picture

Who is Mark Anthony Conditt? Austin bomber suspect identified

I forgot to add



Image result for austin bomber


Quote Auto 

"BTW Ninjizz3.0, I know you desperately want the person responsible to be white a guy because you're a racist and somehow the bomber being white makes the daily ISLAMIC (which is not a race) terrorist attacks around the world somehow no as bad or some stupid shit, but don't jump through your ass right away.  We still need to establish the motive as being political in nature.  If those things are met then I'll grant you that special rhetorical toy you've been asking Santa for and agree the guy is a terrorist. "














Average: 3.1 (7 votes)


Fullauto223cal's picture

Thanks for quoting me.


He's not a terrorist.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

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skeptoid's picture

LOL Hey did you know YouTube is going to use Wikipedia as the fact-checker for videos they deem misleading?

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Daftcunt, Wikipedia has been taken over by the leftist.  I bet if you look up Gender on Wikipedia it would tell you that it's "fluid" and a "social construct". 


Terrorism is the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.


There is no evidence that this bomber had any political aims.  Ergo, he is not a terrorist.  You are old enough to know better, I do not expect you to fall for the same bullshit as Mr. Fudd.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Thanks for clarifying that! 


I'll remind you next time you use the term in connection with "muslim terrorist attack".

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Fullauto223cal's picture

And next time a Muslim commits an act of mass murder and claims it was completely unconnected with the political motivations of their religion, we can agree that that Muslim is not a terrorist.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

So you agree that there are grey areas and that the definition is not as cast in stone as one would like, however this only applies when it fits your agenda.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

No, we don't agree to that at all as a matter of fact.  My only agenda is correct idiots who desperately try to make terrorism into an issue of race and score keeping.


My agenda is not, as you seem to think, to excuse any instance of mass murder committed by white people as "not terrorism".  Timothy McVeigh, Anders Breivik and Ted Kaczynski are three examples terrorist who happened to be white.


I know it sucks to be an Islamic apologist and have to deflect the daily occurance of Islamic mass murder of civilians for political purposes but it is what it is.  Islam is an ideology, not a race.  Stop trying to make it a race issue, it just makes you look stupid.

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Grothesk's picture

"My only agenda is correct idiots who desperately try to make terrorism into an issue of race and score keeping."

Heh.  Like when you post images like this when a tragedy occurs?  You're just the most objective of middle-men trying to make sense of this crazy world, right?

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Islam is not a race.  For fuck sake how many times does that FACT need to be repeated before you get it?


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Grothesk's picture

You're just babbling to the air now?  I'd love for you to quote where I used the word "race" or implied that Islam was a race.  The right wing idiocy tactics of just yelling out something completely unrelated the argument at-hand is getting goddamn annoying.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

No.  I'm reminding you of facts.  You used the word race when you quoted me explain what my agenda is. 

"My only agenda is correct idiots who desperately try to make terrorism into an issue of RACE and score keeping."

When I posted that meme, I was addressing the religion of the terrorist, not the race.  I was indeed inferring that the score of ISLAMIC terrorism just went up again.  Posting that meme is not, as you incorrectly assert, hypocrical as, again, the score keeping regards the religion of the killer, not the race.

Tell me Grothesk, right now, and we can get to the bottom line of the debate between you and I.


DO YOU or DO YOU NOT think the race of the bomber matters?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Of course going on the "attack" with unreasonable arguments (who said islam is a race. me? I think not) and the right wingers of calling people islamic apologists when they don't share your opinion. Excellent, fullauto, excellent.


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Grothesk's picture

If one does a word search for the word "race" on this page one will find that the only person who has said it is in this video comment thread is FullAutoGal and everyone else is quoting him. 


What a fucking goof.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Then why did you post a meme I used in the past referring to Islam when the discussion is about the race of the bomber?

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Fullauto223cal's picture

That guy is wrong and his sign is backwards.  It should say "Every jihadist is a real Muslim".  It is my understanding that one can claim to be a follower of the faith and not engage in jihad, but I'm not a cleric so I fine with being told otherwise.

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Grothesk's picture

We're getting into some hardcore semantics here.  A guy sending bombs to people in the mail ISN'T a terrorist?  


So he's just a murderer like any other murderer, right?  Really no different than Gacy, right?

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Fullauto223cal's picture

No, this isn't semantics, dumb ass.  The requirements for the label of terrorism are and have been plain as fucking day since the term was coined.  The issue is that your racist ass is desperate to find an example of a white boy terrorist that you're willing to ignore those requirements because you're tired of waiting while the Muslims continue to rack up the score board.


Look, I'm going to prove this whole "You just don't want to call him a terrorist because he is white" horse shit right fucking now.


You want an example a white terrorist?  Look no further than Timothy McVeigh.  There's your unicorn white terrorist.  He used violence against civilians in pursuit of a political aim.  Nobody's denying he was a terrorist because he actually met the definition.


The guy planting bombs was TERRIBLE, sure.  He caused a whole city to be TERRIFIED.  But those things do not make him a terrorist.


You are the post child of the modern day SJW obsessed with race and forcing racism into everything you see and hear.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

I dont know if a leftist wrote this but here you go:


There is no universal agreement on the definition of terrorism.[1][2] Various legal systems and government agencies use different definitions. Moreover, governments have been reluctant to formulate an agreed upon and legally binding definition. These difficulties arise from the fact that the term is politically and emotionally charged.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

God, you're dumb!

Fullauto and the biastoid already schooled me on this "Wikipedia has been taken over by the leftist."

Whoever that leftist is I don't know, maybe it is you? 

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery



Kuvahaun tulos haulle sarcasm on the internet

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Grothesk's picture

Man, look at this left wing CUCK idiot police chief calling him a "terrorist".  I bet he voted Hillary.  Fox News so you can't cry "fake news".

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Fullauto223cal's picture

When you're forced to bend over and take it, that's not being a cuck, that's just being raped.  He's also not an idiot since he obviously knew this bomber was not a terrorist up until five minutes ago when he started receiving threats from left to change his fucking opinion or risk changing his fucking career.

"...offering a stronger characterization of the suspected bomber after drawing criticism for being unwilling to do so previously."

If you read the article it's pretty clear that he has now made this incorrect statement after being pressured to say it by the RACIST left.  He's wrong.  The fact that he was forced to tell the radical left, who were not doubt busting his balls, what they desperately wanted to hear, doesn't change anything.


The bomber was not a terrorist, domestic or otherwise.  Plenty of people were threatened into publicly stating that Bruce Jenner was a woman, that doesn't make it true.

If you believe either of those you are a delusional dumb ass.  I'm sorry.

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Grothesk's picture

Yeah, something something deep state something.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Typical bullshit response because you can't deny it's true.

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Grothesk's picture

You are the one stating that a *police chief* doesn't really mean what he's saying because he's being bullied or something.  When you're that batshit crazy, why even try to have civil discourse?

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Fullauto223cal's picture
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skeptoid's picture

I didn't see the political motivation stated anywhere here. But what I do see is a media that is already making this mentally ill bro bro a household name. Every mentally ill teenage boy in American can see that the bomb exploder is a national star - we're learning EVERYTHING about him. Ninjizz based on the family's statement it appears the boy was religious, likely Christian (possibly Jewish). So you likely have a white Christian boy bomb exploder here, and I almost feel bad that BabyDuckling isn't around to do summersaults about it. 


But without a political motive, it doesn't meet the official defintion of terrorism although one of the boy's motives was obviously to terrify everyone. Perhaps they should divide the word terrorist between "political terrorists" and "mentally ill terrorists" and we just call them all terrorists and stop making them stars.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Here is what is boils down to skeptoid, and I think you know this already.


You have Islam, which has very bad problem with a large swath of it's followers killing people to spread the faith or thinking that killing people is a valid means of spreading the faith.


Then you have leftists, who suffer from some odd mental affliction whereby they for no apparent reason feel like Islam needs them to defend it from criticism.  So they label anyone who points out that Islam is a cancer on the world as the only pejorative they know, which is racism.  And whenever someone who isn't a member of Islam does something that is typically done by Islamist they point and say "AH HA!!!  SEE, WHITE PEOPLE DO IT TO..." and they stop there.


OK, a why guy made a bomb like the Islamist make.  What's you point?  They don't have a point, they just want to make false equivocations as if one dumb ass in Texas represents all whites or all males.  There is no equivocation to be made but they keep on making half an argument as if there is one.


And they bitch and moan about not being able to stretch the definition of terrorism to fit their half assed retarded narrative.

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danmanjones's picture

I've never heard of people using bombs to spread faith. Most of the time it's a revenge attack or some kind of statement - often military or political.


The word "terrorism" just warps people's perspective & gets people to tune into the news. It's just sensationalist & not really necessary most of the time.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Nobody told you?  OK, well get this.  In certain parts of world if you or your society refuses to submit to Allah they will kill your ass a dozen ways from Sunday, including using bombs to blow your ass to bits in order to strike fear into everyone else.

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djone's picture

Haha another mentally ill white boy, MURECAAA FKK YEAH!

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Pop quiz hot shots!  Is this woman a terrorist?

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