reporters don't know the difference between dna and gene expression, leaving this report a misrepresented mess. his dna is exactly the same, what has changed is how often and what genes are "read" and used to produce certain proteins rather than others.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
it was that or this one.
same professor in both but he gives more info in the first video.
(Old Spike)
reporters don't know the difference between dna and gene expression, leaving this report a misrepresented mess. his dna is exactly the same, what has changed is how often and what genes are "read" and used to produce certain proteins rather than others.
(Old Spike)
it was that or this one.
same professor in both but he gives more info in the first video.
(Old Spike)
This is all bullshit, god did it.
(Old Spike)
did someone say bedrock?????