Skeptard The Retard


danmanjones's picture


In humans, the concept of an alpha male was challenged as being largely nonexistent per an article by Dean Burnett, who found that human leadership roles vary wildly based on the current social context, and traits attributed to an "Alpha" might be exhibited in one scenario, and traits attributed to a "Beta" might be exhibited in a different scenario by the same individual.[19]

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skeptoid's picture

What's this got to do with me? LOL Don't name drop just to increase the value of your posts. They should stand on their own. A Spiked National should know that. tsk tsk


Why are you drinking this early in the afternoon anyway?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i wanted to see what it like from your pov. you know. to get something voted off. if i went with a proper title it probably wouldnt happen.


and this relates to every convo you've had that involves your hero cesar and dog dominance/pack leader. around this point in the convo where your given facts is where the convos ends.


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skeptoid's picture

That's no reason to get a shine on at noon, even if it's Saturday. For some time I've been certain that YOU don't even understand what you think I don't understand about "aplhas" LOL. Whoosh.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you right. i don't even understand what i think you don't understand about "aplhas" lol. whoosh. but maybe you should start making some fake accounts so you can vote this down, the way its going i don't think its going to get voted off. also i think it would be funny to vote it to the front page, so i might make it

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Fullauto223cal's picture

sal9000 are you upset that nobody would ever consider you an "alpha"?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

"alpha" is just a construct.i like to ruffle his feathers every now and again, a few months back i bought him some youtube suscribers to see if it put some pep in his step. 1000 only cost 3$ canadian.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Yes and love is just a construct and beauty is a construct.  Call it what you like, it's a term to describe a phenomenon we observe in reality.  Just because it might not apply to wolves doesn't mean it isn't applicable to behavior we observe in humans.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

well according to an article mentioned in the very first comment


" In humans, the concept of an alpha male was challenged as being largely nonexistent per an article by Dean Burnett, who found that human leadership roles vary wildly based on the current social context, and traits attributed to an "Alpha" might be exhibited in one scenario, and traits attributed to a "Beta" might be exhibited in a different scenario by the same individual.[19] "


so. what are you impliying with "sal9000 are you upset that nobody would ever consider you an "alpha"?" ?

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Well off the bat, fuck Dean Burnett and everything he said.  I never claimed that a person status of Alpha or Beta was immutable, nor did I limit or claim the status of Alpha was contingent on someone's leadership ability.  All you're doing is attempting define the terms in such a limited scope that they do indeed appear to be nonexistent.


What I am implying when I asked if you were upset that nobody ever considered you an alpha, is that you are doing exactly what a beta bitch would do if he didn't like being labeled a beta, attempt to dishonestly define the term away as meaningless as opposed to doing the hard bit and changing his status.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

none of this nonexistent denifition or dihonesty, i was looking for an example of what actions i was doing that would be considered beta or in a sense to give you the option of choosing the battleground.


no. i'm not upset that nobody considered me an alpha cause i've never not felt like anything other than an alpha, i have territory, access to water and food, a mate and offspring, i've challenged and have been challenged to combat by other alphas. if you want to pick an animal, those actions would probably relate with the alpha of a set group. if you want to consider what i just stated to be a beta human, where are the alpha humans? jail?


now the interesting thing is in animal social structures you have omegas. where its job is to defuse tension. so if we all had parts in this play. i would be a beta as you stated, since this conflict is originally with skeptoid, that would more or less make him the alpha in this story. getting inbetween us would be you. the omega, trying to defuse the tension. so how does it feel to be the lowest on the totem pole, in this construct where i choose what animal behaviour is applicable to behavior we observe in humans?

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Evulva 1's picture

Are you proud to live, bs conditioned and portend in the heart of a male stereotype?


 How fucking boring can a life be?

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skeptoid's picture

It's not as exciting as playing the tired stereotype of a vulgar aging queer.

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Grothesk's picture

Hey!  Where did the "sucking on a dick that tastes like ass" comment go?!

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skeptoid's picture

Tap on the shoulder - decided it was more vulgar than funny. See below for more reasons.

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Evulva 1's picture

More vulgar than funny?


If a diagnosis of a personality ever exsisted, fits you like a condom.

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Evulva 1's picture

Also I may like ass, but not as much as you love Fullauto's ewww

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Grothesk's picture

This isn't a harassment post, is it?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

the title but not the content. unless facts are now a form of harrasment.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Have you managed to get into the discord server yet?  I curious actually talk to you bro.

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Grothesk's picture

I'll get on sooner or later.  I haven't went and gotten a webcam thing yet.


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skeptoid's picture

What is this discord server?

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Grothesk's picture

It's on one of the video submissions from about 7 days ago.  Just check through FullAutoGal's post history and you'll see it.

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