Three very different thinkers tackle the question of the meaning of life - a philosopher-Atheist, a philosopher-Theist-Christian, and Jordan Peterson (philosopher-psychologist-Jungian-Christian?). Above is the core of Jordan Peterson's answer as part of his opening remarks. For the other two and the entire event see below.
(5 votes)
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
The Meaning of Life...
1. that property of plants and animals which makes it possible for them to take in food, get energy from it, grow, adapt themselves to their surroundings, and reproduce their kind: it is the quality that distinguishes a living animal or plant from inorganic matter or a dead organism.
2. the state of posessing this property.
3. a living being, especially a human being.
4. living things collectively, often of a specific kind; as, plant LIFE.
(Old Spike)
Life as such has no "meaning", unless one believes there is some sort of a "higher authority", if so the "meaning" is not (yet?) revealed to us.
The "personal" meaning of life for a (self conscious) individual is as individual as the individual itself.
So, in a nushell, I don't need anyone else discussing this shit for me.
(Old Spike)
Yeah there's no value in commenting if you haven't watched it.
(Dixie Normous: Image specialist)
I don't think "true evil" exists. There is only deeply unconscious people, as in brainwashed, programmed, or mentally ill. It's faulty code in the mind that has taken over a person and cannot choose to act any differently. A nazi that throws a baby in the oven without remorse is not much different than a schizophrenic. Both are mentally ill, society just labels the nazi as evil.
Being crazy and not knowing it is what being crazy is all about. Being crazy and knowing it, makes you an upstanding citizen. <- the majority of people
(Old Spike)
A Nazi euthanizing a sick baby is no less mentally healthy than a drone operator sitting in Arazona sending hellfire missiles into a wedding party. They used lethal injections btw, not ovens.
(Dixie Normous: Image specialist)
Patriotism. Just another form of programming. Though it is easier to do since it's so distanced from the actual act of killing.
(Old Spike)
9/11 Taught me that US patriotism has two brands. The original and I believe healthy brand is a fanatical duty to the defense of liberty and the principles guaranteed by the US constitution and bill of rights, whether that be as a citizen civilian, military, government, emergency response, volunteer organizations of all kinds etc. The other brand is a bunch of scared and angry borderline illiterates waving national flags and chanting U S A, U S A! Over the past seven decades the MIC has used the latter group and precision-focused fear conditioning to overwhelm and marginalize the former group and the population in general. I wonder if Trump knows that a large portion of the people who voted for him are non-interventionist libertarians or progressives, many of whom tend to fall into the first group I mentioned.