Emperor Haile Selassie I is overthrown by the Dergue. The Dergue was a council that was originally set-up to look into military grievances, but gained very quickly gained power in Ethiopia. They ousted Selassie (a monarch in the line of monarchs), killed 60 high-ranking officials in his cabinet, and set-up Marxist-Leninism (a European paradigm) as the ideology of the Ethiopian State. With the ousting of King Selassie, the rule of the Solomonoid Emperors was broken. Dick Gregory remembered watching TV and seeing King Selassie stand at the front the procession of all the European royals. King Selassie was in the same family as King David, King Solomon, and yes - Jesus. The video makes a connection between King Selassie (who cared for his country and people and was a man of peace) and the protagonist. Some of the reasons will become evident later. The primary reason is that the director wants to establish a family line that goes back to God Almighty. I Know What You Did… As the words to the song start to play, we find an angel staring down at a woman. The darkly angelic being puts light into the woman. “The Sons of God saw the daughters of men – that they were fair.” The Sons of God (Angels) had sex with daughters of men. This causes the “Sons of God” to taste her – death, as their sons become part Earth-born men and part star-born. So, the protagonist is shown with his eyes clouded. Yet, he is also standing on a cloud. He is a being of Heaven, but partly a being of Earth. The earthly aspect, he is confused about. The red represents desire and it is these low desires that are causing the being confusion. He becomes a vampire. He and his brothers are using these women for his sexual purpose like his Fathers (the Angels did). They are just meat to him. He slays them (sexually) and discards them, because this is his addition. He is one of the sons of those first Sons of God, who saw that the daughters were fair. He has inherited the ways of his Fathers. The lion represents the animal nature that is alive in the man, that because he is of God – what comes out of him is a natural things still. Fall from Grace… The daughters of men finally realize that they are no prizes and become disillusioned. They separate from the world (or Mars separates from Venus). Mars is anger. And, Venus is love. It’s not masculine or feminine. What God created will always be LOVE and what is man-made will always be imperfect. So, the woman in her anger and mental anguish represents Mars here. It’s a bit of a change-up from what people would expect, but that’s how one can figure out good from evil. What God creates can create and is creative, whether male or female. It is God’s and will always be God’s. What man makes, by accident or otherwise, will always be the imperfect design of man. The Tower represents the height of that civilization. So, the separation brought about a fall, because of this darkness that has descended upon Ethios X. The woman, still having some of the Light of the Sons of God, begins to make men of her own. “Let us make man in our image and likeness.” The men are given the Light of Religion (false light) as a yardstick, but God’s Children already have his heart. So, they don’t need religion. Hence, “Jesus said, “You are of your father the Devil. And, his works you will do.” In the video, they shut the mouth of the devil that comes to spread religion. Then, they are killed by Crusaders sent by the woman who represents Satan. It is not until the woman attempts to destroy what GOD created that she incurs the wrath of the Eternal Fathers. This dooms her. She throws away her inheritance (LOVE), which is the only true inheritance GOD can offer. The Son reintegrates with the Father and realizes that He must let her go to break the cycle of history that has played out for 20,000 years – that this child of the Sons is not a Child of the Fathers. Thus, Satan is sent into the pit. God Knows all. So, when the Weeknd says, “You thought you would break my heart.” It’s God saying, “You thought you would break my heart.”He’s saying, “I knew what all of you were capable of before you were made. I know why I told you not to do what I told you not to do. You’re not hurting me. You’re hurting yourselves.” Notice also that the inheritance is passed to a donkey-like creature – that has shown itself to be upright (or advanced in its conscious enough to get the necklace). So, the woman gets passed over – having never gotten over her hurt, the emotional and mental anguish. Notice that the words “I Know Everything” are also in an Arabic-like script. This is another indication that GOD is the Knower that the song is referring to. The video kinda’ does a 180, as normally all these figures are played by men. The Angels in Heaven are always depicted as beings of light, while the minions of hell are always depicted as dark and ugly. Here, we have a more flattering depiction of darkness. The woman becomes the darkness that attracts the beings of light. This is a story that has been told hundreds of times over in hundreds of ways. It is the story of how life was seeded on our planet and many other places in the cosmos.
(Short Spike)
^^^^This is what they mean when anyone refers to someone as having "too much time on their hands".
(Old Spike)
It's like Jaden Smith made his own music video.