Jordan Peterson | The Most Terrifying IQ Statistic


phanto's picture

I wonder how many of them end up in jail as crime is the only thing they have left to turn to and even there they're not very good at it.

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danmanjones's picture

Just sterilize them & put them on an island where they can happily watch Kardashians & other hit shows while they live out their days.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well, either the IQ tests in the US are different or these rules did not apply under certain circumstances and they specifically recruited extremely dumb people for them to be stationed in Germany.......

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skeptoid's picture

Or perhaps you just don't realize what a stunning genius you are?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

And you really do wonder why the word "twat" comes to mind so easily when one addresses you.

You really do, don't you.

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skeptoid's picture

Actually I was being serious. People often don't realize that the Dunning-Kruger effect works both ways. It's not just that there are incompetent people who believe they are fully competent (most accurately predicted by IQ) but there are extremely competent people who don't realize that most people around them are much less competent than they are.


For the incompetent, with a typical Dunning-Kruger effect once the person is shown how to perform the task or job or whatever competently they immediately adopt the new method. This is one reason why humans are so successful - above a certain IQ threshold, regardless of native competence folks can be taught by others. Currently, apparently anyone below 83 is shit out of luck.


And as an aside, unfortunately (and this is my little hypothesis), the identity politics and neomarxist dogmas in universities have produced legions of Dunning-Kruger incompetents that are impossible to correct. The correction mechanism is short-circuited by the extreme relativism of postmodern theory. "I'm not doing it wrong, I'm just not doing it the 'white way'". Or "You're not trying to help me understand - you're 'mansplaining'." I have found that people who think and talk like this, if they suffer from Dunning-Kruger, cannot be helped. Every attempt to point out opportunities to get it right is personalized as "unfair persecution".


So that's what I was driving at - it may only seem to you like the soldiers were all sub-83 because you think you're a 105 when you're a 115 or 135? It goes both ways.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I explained many a times that I don't believe in IQ tests but rather in "talent". You just get so high on your insecurity and fear that you don't get the message people you disagree with send to you.

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skeptoid's picture

What am I disagreeing with? That hordes of American soldiers stationed in Germany struck you as having IQs lower than 83? If you pay no attention to intelligence then why were you bothering to evaluate their IQs? Oh you were just joking? That's such a stupid assertion I tried to throw you a bone - it's no surprise you don't know what to do with it. Intelligence is rarely the deciding factor when it comes down to what really matters. I was describing a proven effect that results from disparaties in competence, correlated mainly to IQ.


But there is absolutely no substitute for character, and as a man familiar with the European and German people of past and present, I'm sure you would agree with this:


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Do you really make an effort misinterpreting me every time? I think not.

I guess you wouldn't make the US army neither (if the 83 requirement only were correct)*.


Believing in talent does not mean disregarding IQ tests, which are also a talent. 


*I did some research on this and post my findings below.

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skeptoid's picture

"Well, either the IQ tests in the US are different or these rules did not apply under certain circumstances and they specifically recruited extremely dumb people for them to be stationed in Germany......."


The Nazis were really talented at descriminate killing. Cesar Millan is dripping with talent and he makes you shit your pants. LOL I don't know if you are being deliberately misinterpreted, but if you are it doesn't look like it's a pleasant experience.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"The Nazis were really talented at descriminate killing." Yes, your point?


"Cesar Millan is dripping with talent..." Yes, I know and never disputed this. Your point?

"....and he makes you shit your pants." No he doesn't, why would he. Your point?


"I don't know if you are being deliberately misinterpreted, but if you are it doesn't look like it's a pleasant experience." And you really still wonder why the word "twat" comes to mind.....


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Andrew's picture

There's a NASA study that shows our current (fucked up) education system stifles creativity and iq by an incredible margin so ya 6 years, 0-6 years old lol

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Radical Eye's picture

This guy is a moron. 

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skeptoid's picture

Welcome to the site!

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

So here is another ROFL. I was a little suspicious about this IQ thing (as I mentioned above I personally met US soldiers stationed in Germany both on and off duty).


I did some digging about the entry requirements to the US army:

  • There is a test, it is called "Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery", short ASVAB
  • ASVAB is NOT an IQ test as such, it is more a "talent" test to find out which branch the applicant is most suited for.
  • There is no "minimum score" requirement, however, certain positions have minimum requirements such as high school education or scoring certain levels in the ASVAB

So it is always nice to talk to people about topics they don't have a clue about and obviously can't follow up quickly in a discussion forum or as audience.


Turns out peterson is full of shit in this regard.


There are a lot opinions out there what the average IQ of an US soldier is, many believe it is above average, I personally don't.


I would guess it is: 

  • higher than average for officers and specialised soldiers that require a high IQ for their tasks
  • about average or slightly above for sergeant ranks and soldiers that require this for their tasks
  • below average for the "tyical soldier" that is not on an army carreer path. 

Which would make the average IQ a little lower than that of the general public. Again, this is just my guess.

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