Solo: A Star Wars Story Official Trailer


danmanjones's picture

Yeah nah, this looks lilke another Disney fail.

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Grothesk's picture

It's meant for popcorn feedbags and Lucas logo applauders.  This looks so vanilla and boring to me.

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Grothesk's picture

"If you come with us you're in this life for good."

Yeah, that throw away line completely forgives the fact that Han Solo remains the exact same profesion and character from the age of 20 to the age of 65 when he dies in The Force Awakens.

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andypeterson35's picture

Lmao good point! Who stays the same for 40 years )!?!?

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andypeterson35's picture

I mean look at me, when I first joined spike I was vegeta, then I became majin buu, now I’m freakin newmon from seinfeld. What next ? 

Oh wait a minute. You’ve consistently been the same groth! Maybe your scripted 0_o

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Grothesk's picture


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bronobo's picture

at least it's not a remake. i hope. looks like a heist movie. rogue one was kind of a heist movie, too, though.

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Maxpower's picture

I think a series of heist movies starring Han Solo would actually be pretty cool. In order for it to work, though, they'd need characters that have good chemistry together, and based on what they've put out so far, I don't think Disney will make anything but bland horseshit with no heart.

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andypeterson35's picture

Watched it last night. Soooooo BORING! You get this horrible feeling hans GF like totally got raped, while darth mall jacked off to it all. 

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