A Disgraceful Witch Hunt!

eh's picture

Trump calls FBI raid on Michael Cohen's office a 'disgrace'

LOL Trump announcing that the FBI "Broke into" his lawyer's office and hotel room......with a warrant....was classic Trump. He's obviously unhinged as he repeats the same words over and over while being unable to focus on anything. He jumps all over the place with the standard criticisms of Obama and Hilary of course and then the "Disgraceful" acts of Rod Rosenstein, the FBI, the Justice Department, Robert Mueller, etc.  Fox/Trump "News" is screaming that it's all a witch hunt so........


The carnival show continues.




Average: 4.3 (12 votes)


eh's picture

Even Sean Hannity didn't say they "Broke into" Trump's lawyer's offices during his standard "No collusion!", "Vindication!", "Trump wins!" rant, although he was as unhinged in it.

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Pantysoaker's picture
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FBI, you're fired!


Democrats are doing everything in their power to get Trump re-elected

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skeptoid's picture



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danmanjones's picture

Seems like a total witch hunt from where I'm sitting.

The whole "Russia collusion" story was just a campaign tactic coming from Hilary's team. The FBI seems too vulnerable to political influence, it's not a good organisation to investigate these kinds of things.

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Grothesk's picture

What entity would you suggest investigates the going-ons of the President of the United States of America?

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danmanjones's picture

That's a good question.

The best solution I can think of is just to clean up the FBI.

Tolerating political bias within an investigative beaurau is really fucked.

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Grothesk's picture

I've heard there's lots of political bias in the FBI but they've also had quite a few convictions in the past year and a half of Trump's presidency.  Were those convictions entirely fraudulent?  Why would Rick Gates and George Papadopoulos choose to plead guilty instead of stating that the FBI is illegally acting upon politicial bias?  Why wouldn't Trump help bail them out?  Surely Trump has a modicum of power in that arena.


Or perhaps the "political bias" accusation doesn't stand upon firm ground.

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danmanjones's picture

The accusations/convictions are not fraudulent AFAIK but none of them are related to what's being investigated. These are D.C. power-players, of course you're going to find shit if you look hard enough. This has nothing to do with Tump or Russian interferance with the 2016 election.


I haven't paid a lot of attention to this investigation to be honest but when you compare it to the special investigation of SoS Clinton's use of a private email server & the destruction of evidence, not to mention the obvious corruption with Clinton by way of the Clinton Foundation & numerous other things, it seems like it's different strokes for different folks when it comes to how hard the FBI goes after each political faction.


There was never any collusion between the Trump Campaign with the Russian government but the FBI just keeps using the investigation going as an excuse to go after certain people. It really seems like a power struggle at this point more than a legit investigation. That's what it seems like from where I sit.

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eh's picture

".....it has nothing to do with Trump" and "....but Hillary"


Pretty standard Trumptard fodder. Fox/Trump "News" is making a big mistake not having you as a contributor/expert.

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Dagambit's picture

When the whole election was between 2 people Trump and HRC, and she tried to rig it like she did the DNC primary. Well, her name is going to keep coming up, not because she is a scape goat, but she is the mastermind and the influence behind a lot of scandals. Get used to hearing/seeing her name still snowflake, until she is behind bars, we will not be satisfied. PERIOD.


How is that for logic and Trump rhetoric? The difference between Trump and Hillary collusion, we have actual evidence and witnesses that are credible. Plus no spying had to occur. Imagine that.

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eh's picture

Try this on. It's crazy but......Trump has been the president. Hillary walks her dogs in the woods. See the difference there? I don't care what happens to Hillary. She's an idiot. See, Trump is kinda more important in his activities because.....wait for it......he's the president. Any luck with that getting through?

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danmanjones's picture

Why are you using quote marks around stuff I didn't say when replying to my comment?


We're discussing political bias, of course I'm going to make a comparison between Reps & Dems

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napalm4sd's picture

I can’t wait for nothing to come of this.

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eh's picture

Me too. Trump is a real stand-up guy, never lies, and knows more about law, government, science, and everything else because he's a stable genius. It's just strange that a judge he nominated issued a warrant which the judge approved because there was evidence of criminal activity (also a bit strange that someone who is a genius like Trump about the law thinks that attorney/client privilege overrides criminal activity) resulting in the "Break-in" by FBI agents resulting in them confiscating evidence from Trump's lawyer. It's all a disgrace but has resulted in some of the best spins by Trumptard Nation so far.


Oh well, it will all get sorted out.

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eh's picture

Downvoting reality is classic Spiked Trumptard Nation. Trigger warning alert detected.

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napalm4sd's picture

didn't downvote you.. calm down. You're abnormally paranoid.

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eh's picture

I'm not accusing you. I didn't downvote you either-don't be paranoid about perceived paranoia. It's safe to say that a Trumptard downvoted my comment because it doesn't fit their narrative though.

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danmanjones's picture

C'mon eh - did you watch the video? How about discussing the topic?

Donctchya think we deserve a break from "TRUMP IS BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" by now?

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eh's picture

Spiked Trumptard Nation stops sucking off their dear leader and it's a done deal.

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skeptoid's picture

How about you stop pandering to cowards?

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skeptoid's picture

DonkeyPunch has always been sensitive about comment downvotes. 

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napalm4sd's picture

Donkey punch, and I think he had another name before that... Was always super conservative and always posted videos of colored folk committing crime (racist comments too), Eh only does half. Maybe he changed his views?

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Grothesk's picture

Dah, I forget the original iteration as well...but the picture was a big bald guy screaming. 

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napalm4sd's picture


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NoToucH's picture

Trumpa Lumpa for president! Oh wait! Shitttt he is?? I think i've somehow managed to reach a next level of spirituality and somehow slingshotted myself into some kind of parallel universe or dimension. Because there was noway this was ever going to happen in the world I was from. Entertaining though, and whenever I hear him on the news or read another one of his childish and ridiculous tweets im reminded the world I live in now has actualy seemed to have lost all sense.

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