If you want to just go straight to the article about the government accidentally releasing files on mind control weapons to the media after a FOIA request, then go here (no apparently this is NOT fake news, although who knows what to make of this): https://boingboing.net/2018/04/19/government-accidentally-sends.html
The response is that the government was accidentally holding onto these documents, they are not official government documents (they don't look very official) and they aren't sure why they had them and why they included them in the FOIA request.
(5 votes)
(Old Spike)

I'm rooting for this guy at the Crazy Uncle Of The Year awards
(Old Spike)
LOL Yeah what a card.
(Old Spike)
My comment was inserted between you guy's
(Old Spike)
The technology is real i have used and experienced it myself, i think it is faggot technology, face a man and fight him...
And they never do groups of ppl at once only individuals, and with black helicopters they mean UFO's or inside called planes
(Long Spike)
When I was working in Area 51 back in 1949 they tried to experiement some of the mind control technology on me. Unfortunately my libido was so powerful that it overrode the technology and I actually gained control of the minds of everyone in the room. John McCain was a young private there and it allowed me to see into the future and I saw how sad he became in 2008.
(Old Spike)
Everyone who came in here and gave something they're not interested in and would never watch 1/5 is under the influence of mind control.