I've fiddled with and fired one. I think that they're okay and functional, although a bit awkward to use. But definitely not worth what the hype surrounding them makes it sound to be. This seems to be a trend with many HK products actually.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
With the laser unit it is a beautiful showpiece for a collection.
Yet reportedly the Mk23 is barely ever being used and the operators prefer the more compact and conventional Mk25 (which is essentially a Sig P226). I think the biggest problem with the Mk23 is the awkward narrow gap it occupies between a handgun and a compact SMG or PDW.
It does what it was made to do very well, which is to combine match-grade accuracy with heavy duty, life-dependable reliability, which is something very few handguns do. But it comes with the cost of bulk.
What you end up with is a handgun that is too bulky to be good at being a sidearm and that doesn't have as much firepower and ease of shooting fast and accurately as the slightly bulkier SMGs/PDWs. Ultimately the Mk23 tries to do both by making compromises which makes it not really good at either.
I also highly doubt that the difference in accuracy between the Mk23 and a more "normal" handgun such as the Mk25 is even noticeable or meaningful in a combat situation.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
I also wonder if the size was a positive side effect of the durable manufacturing, that contributes to it's "offensive" nature.
Because it's bigger and heavier. about 3 pounds loaded and rigged with the full system. I wonder if it grants a psychological effect of more confidence when going after an enemy, granting an illusion that it is more powerful than it is.
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phanto (Short Spike)
Apparently not since they prefer the smaller Mk25.
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gardendaleguy (Long Spike)
i currently do not own a gun...but THIS is the gun i want to buy....thanks Solid Snake... :/
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Dude (Old Spike)
It is the one agent 47 uses
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gardendaleguy (Long Spike)
a 1911 is definitely on the wishlist
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Make sure you share some photos of whatever you buy. Personal firearm ownership is to leftist like garlic to vampires.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Fuck all that movie bullshit. If you're looking to carry for defense of self, home and family then look no futher than this awesome tool. The Glock handgun. They come in all sorts of different sizes and calibers. They are weapons designed to work when your life depends on them. Now I'm not telling you NOT to buy all the other guns you would love to own. By all means, by as many guns as you possibily can afford. Everytime a gun sale goes though some greasy Twitter Marxist gets a migraine headace from the extra pure unfiltered liberty you are creating.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Look at how the barrel bends when you shoot that plastic piece of shit gun, never liked glock MEH :)
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phanto (Short Spike)
Glocks will do the job just fine for a defensive pistol and it is definitely a headache-free option. But I think that a lot of the claims surrounding them are exaggerated. And they definitely are no longer only good choice for defensive striker fired polymer framed pistol nowadays.
I've recently poked around a lot for a polymer striker fired pistol and settled on a Walther PPQ. High quality build and design, better trigger out of the box, vastly better ergonomics and far sleeker and less blocky than a Glock.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
The barrel isn't bending you ignorant ass. It's doing exactly what the 1911 barrel does when it cycles. Read a fucking book on how the locked-breech moves down and out of the way of the slide.
The fact that you think the Glock is a piece of plastic again shows your ignorance. Look, I don't know what dumb asses you've been talking to but I've heard people just like them. They love to relive the glory days of WW2 when in reality the 1911 is fucking out dated. There is no need to have an entirely metal frame. There is no need to limit yourself to 8 fucking rounds.
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Dude (Old Spike)
I shot exatly 8 guys in the leg and had a bullet to spare and a second full loaded on the other side of my bodyready to be used so yeah 8 rounds capacity is more then enough, you talk about ignorance like you have none, i just said i dont like that piece of shit, you defend it because you propably own one am i right? ignorance at its best.
And stability of aiming while firing is increased with a full metal body compared to a plastic lightweight.
And the barrel of a Glock bends hmeh HMEH BENDER
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
I can confirm this because I was one of the guys shot in the leg. It was July 15th, 2003, in Istanbul. I shot back with my Glock but the barrel bent when I shot and I missed.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Mr. Fudd you can move on to another video. This isn't used for quail hunting.
(Short Spike)
0:22 Holy trigger jerking and flinching Batman.
I've fiddled with and fired one. I think that they're okay and functional, although a bit awkward to use. But definitely not worth what the hype surrounding them makes it sound to be. This seems to be a trend with many HK products actually.
(Old Spike)
With the laser unit it is a beautiful showpiece for a collection.
(Short Spike)
Yet reportedly the Mk23 is barely ever being used and the operators prefer the more compact and conventional Mk25 (which is essentially a Sig P226). I think the biggest problem with the Mk23 is the awkward narrow gap it occupies between a handgun and a compact SMG or PDW.
It does what it was made to do very well, which is to combine match-grade accuracy with heavy duty, life-dependable reliability, which is something very few handguns do. But it comes with the cost of bulk.
What you end up with is a handgun that is too bulky to be good at being a sidearm and that doesn't have as much firepower and ease of shooting fast and accurately as the slightly bulkier SMGs/PDWs. Ultimately the Mk23 tries to do both by making compromises which makes it not really good at either.
I also highly doubt that the difference in accuracy between the Mk23 and a more "normal" handgun such as the Mk25 is even noticeable or meaningful in a combat situation.
(Old Spike)
I also wonder if the size was a positive side effect of the durable manufacturing, that contributes to it's "offensive" nature.
Because it's bigger and heavier. about 3 pounds loaded and rigged with the full system. I wonder if it grants a psychological effect of more confidence when going after an enemy, granting an illusion that it is more powerful than it is.
(Short Spike)
Apparently not since they prefer the smaller Mk25.
(Long Spike)
i currently do not own a gun...but THIS is the gun i want to buy....thanks Solid Snake... :/
(Old Spike)
It is the one agent 47 uses
(Long Spike)
a 1911 is definitely on the wishlist
(Old Spike)
Make sure you share some photos of whatever you buy. Personal firearm ownership is to leftist like garlic to vampires.
(Old Spike)
Fuck all that movie bullshit. If you're looking to carry for defense of self, home and family then look no futher than this awesome tool. The Glock handgun. They come in all sorts of different sizes and calibers. They are weapons designed to work when your life depends on them. Now I'm not telling you NOT to buy all the other guns you would love to own. By all means, by as many guns as you possibily can afford. Everytime a gun sale goes though some greasy Twitter Marxist gets a migraine headace from the extra pure unfiltered liberty you are creating.
(Old Spike)
Look at how the barrel bends when you shoot that plastic piece of shit gun, never liked glock MEH :)
(Short Spike)
Glocks will do the job just fine for a defensive pistol and it is definitely a headache-free option. But I think that a lot of the claims surrounding them are exaggerated. And they definitely are no longer only good choice for defensive striker fired polymer framed pistol nowadays.
I've recently poked around a lot for a polymer striker fired pistol and settled on a Walther PPQ. High quality build and design, better trigger out of the box, vastly better ergonomics and far sleeker and less blocky than a Glock.
(Old Spike)
The barrel isn't bending you ignorant ass. It's doing exactly what the 1911 barrel does when it cycles. Read a fucking book on how the locked-breech moves down and out of the way of the slide.
The fact that you think the Glock is a piece of plastic again shows your ignorance. Look, I don't know what dumb asses you've been talking to but I've heard people just like them. They love to relive the glory days of WW2 when in reality the 1911 is fucking out dated. There is no need to have an entirely metal frame. There is no need to limit yourself to 8 fucking rounds.
(Old Spike)
I shot exatly 8 guys in the leg and had a bullet to spare and a second full loaded on the other side of my bodyready to be used so yeah 8 rounds capacity is more then enough, you talk about ignorance like you have none, i just said i dont like that piece of shit, you defend it because you propably own one am i right? ignorance at its best.
And stability of aiming while firing is increased with a full metal body compared to a plastic lightweight.
And the barrel of a Glock bends hmeh HMEH BENDER
(Long Spike)
I can confirm this because I was one of the guys shot in the leg. It was July 15th, 2003, in Istanbul. I shot back with my Glock but the barrel bent when I shot and I missed.
(Old Spike)
Mr. Fudd you can move on to another video. This isn't used for quail hunting.