Macron's speech to Congress re: Iran deal - the JCPOA (link)
He emphasizes "we signed it" - something US lawmakers & presidents often forget
Full speech is below...Highlights:
~10 mins about Women rights, French language in USA
9:48 - Terrorism - 'they hate our freedom & democracy'
~20 mins about globalism... he wants to resist Trump's preference for one-on-one trade deals
28:45 - Trade - 'isolationalism is bad'
32:32 - Climate Change - 'US should sign Paris Agreement'
36:43 - Fake News - 'we want it on the J7 agenda'
39:09 - Iran Deal - 'no nukes for Iran ever but no war on Iran & the existing deal works'
45:03 - Syria - 'we helped you bomb Syria, proving allegiance to the "international community"'
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