Cultural Marxism?

Muchos Munchbagger's picture

How "Cultural Marxism" became the Far-Right's Scapegoat

Watch out there's a boogey man looming.

I've been asking certain people what cultural marxism is and only found cultural bolshevism a thing and this->

The rest is for the victims to interpret. Watch out "individualists"--- BOOOOOGEEYY MANN!!!!! Oh and watch out for revolutionary (lol) students they're going take over the whole social landscape. Capitalism thrives when the proletariat invests in conspiracy or any form of political bullshit, since there is no greater subjugate than a confused consumer/voter.

Average: 2.9 (11 votes)


Grothesk's picture

4:23 - "they want to evoke the feeling that Western culture is being attacked from the outside by a mysterious, anti-American cabal that nobody can really pin down but has its fingers in everything."


That is exactly what most current conspiracy theories from the right rely upon.  There's the "deep state" or "cultural Marxists" that are powerful enough to threaten our entire society but no one can specifically name.  The best way to show that a conspiracy is bullshit is to ask for specifics.  Exactly WHO is threatening us?  WHAT exactly do they want?  


Interesting video, hopefully we'll get some Righties in here to chat about this.  5/5.

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andypeterson35's picture


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danmanjones's picture

There's an old saying "if you're 20 & conservative you haven't got a heart. If you're 40 and liberal you haven't got a brain". Institutional academics (professors etc) are people who've never left school and it seems natural for them never to grow out of their youthful idealistic tendencies.


I think it's prefectly reasonable for Peterson to object to what he describes as "postmodernism". It's a school of thought, not a conspiracy, and he's entitled to his own views. We need people like him to swim upstream against leftist tendencies of universities. This open discussion of contrary ideas is how our culture moves forward.


The "deep state" can easily be named & has fuck all to do with this topic. It just means unelected civil servants working in the US government. Certain departments have a lot of power, eg. CIA, FBI, NSA, and some have very little oversight.


There is another term "shadow state" which is more conspiratorial but describes AFAIK the CIA combined with their black budgets (off the grid transactions), and the NSA who work with very little oversight. I've noticed some conspiracy theorists use "deep state" when referring to the "shadow state". There is some crossover but they're not the same thing.


I'll watch the video now... :)



Watched the video. So the producer is saying (14:45) that anyone who uses the term "cultural maxism" is being anti-semetic and is upset at cultural change. I think that's a stretch. Hiding behind accusations of "anti-semitism" is for faggots. He has a point about people being upset at cultural change though. That's where a lot of the "cultural marxism" complaints are rooted. Seeing the likes of Miley Cyrus "corrupting our youth" is going to upset some people because it goes against their values. Commentators like Paul Joseph Watson prey on the conservative right wing to cash in on this. Same as Miley & her handlers are cashing in on their ability to be contraversial & sell sex. At the end of the day if you don't like it change the channel. Same way as watching Sargon the whinging pom is a choice.


Again though, I think Peterson actually has a right to have a beef with the theory that's being taught in schools because it's borderline indoctrination & serves no positive purpose to be teaching extremist femenist theory. And just FYI, Peterson's criticism of "postmodernism" is not something I subscribe to because I haven't researched it enough. I just have a general idea of what he means & some people have said that he's off the mark & misinterpretted the original postmodernist theory.


Sorry to be so wordy.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

So the producer is saying (14:45) that anyone who uses the term "cultural Marxism" is being anti-Semitic and is upset at cultural change.


This is one of the favorite tactics of Cultural Marxist.  They love to setup a false dichotomy that you either except some proposition they believe OR ELSE you are a racist/anti-semite.  BTW, the neo-cons did this two with the whole "If you are not for the war you obviously do not support the troops" horseshit.


By this fucks logic Ben Shapiro, a practicing religious Jew, is an anti-Semite.  The logic is absurd.

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Muchos Munchbagger's picture

thats because it's a derivitive of cultural bolshevism which was an actual term from nazi history to denounce modernist movements amd expression. The theories association is clear and explained. They even inherently contain the same caveats

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skeptoid's picture

What do the conspiracy theories from the left rely on?

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Grothesk's picture

Let's first identify them instead of talking about amorphous, undefined ideas.  Which specific Left conspiracy theory would you like to present?

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skeptoid's picture

I rest my case.

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Nihil Dicit's picture

How about Le Patriarchy?

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thrasymacus's picture

That was a succinct and well put together video that cuts through a lot of youtube panicky bullshit. 5/5 from me too. 

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skeptoid's picture

Anyone else getting an SQL error when they try to look up a Spiked national?


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danmanjones's picture

yeah :/

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

While local cultures still exist, the corporate consumerist bullshit system does want to make us all into the same kind of consumer. That is to say, the global culture is becoming homogenous to the point where it affects or removes local cultures. Which is good sometimes. The best part is there is no-one in control. Just a lot of corporations doing their best to be the bestest corporation.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

This video title is retarded.  Cultural Marxism isn't a person, therefore it can't be a scapegoat.


Cultural Marxism is an attempt to describe the retarded love child of Communist theory crossed with Racism.


Whereas ordinary OG Marxism used economic envy to destroy society by pitting those who "have more" against those who "have less"; Cultural Marxism uses racism and a fabricated, ever changing oppression hierarchy to run a pseudo-religious cult of victim-hood.

According to a Cultural Marxist, your value and standing in society is not based on your individual character, but a combination of the color of your skin, how you use your genitals, religion (but only Muslims), whether or not you suffer a mental disorder regarding your actual gender and if your ancestors suffered some sort of injustice, but only if it was inflicted by white people.

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Muchos Munchbagger's picture

scape goat is simply a synonym for blame. A demand that arbitrary usage for a person to hold meaning is a pointless critism. On your other points.

You've demonstrated nothing but insults or negative opinions of a group of nobodies disparaging a generalized catagory of whatever and/or whoevers...yaawwwnn

Therefore nothing and I guess you should keep your closet door closed at night and watch out for the communist boogey man coming to undermine everything you hold dear. It sounds like the cultural marxist alarmists are the true victims...But of what????

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andypeterson35's picture

Moar jooze 

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