Stevo gives it to the press for their lack of sense of humour over Michelle Wolf's roast & even gets into character as Stephen Colbert
Watchable part starts at 2:30, rare appearance as Stephen Colbert at 4:20, followed by obligatory Trump-hate.
(6 votes)
(Old Spike)
Not a fan of Cobert.
I don't know why he praises the girl so much, she wasn't that funny. Maybe she told a lot of truths (what trump and his supporters call fake news) but most not in a funny way.
I missed the "trump hate" you mentioned.
(Old Spike)
When he reads tweets as Trump it's just lazy writing & is only funny if you happen to hate Trump. I will admit the football dad & "how about everything" bits were decent so it's just the last joke that sucked this time.
(Old Spike)
I agree reading tweets like trump is funny for those that dislike him, unfunny if you are a trumpet and moderately funny for the rest.
The dumb shit he tweets should be funny for all, though, minus the american population. for them it should be embarrassing.
(Long Spike)
I was pretty happy with this little skit...I liked the throwback to his old "Stephen vs. Stephen."