Israel-Syria Conflict - Clearing Up Misconceptions

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3 misconceptions on Syria-Israel confrontation

From sources on the ground (semi-confirmed), the 1st strike (an hour after Trump pulled out of the JCPOA), Israel hit an Iranian convoy & "turned it to dust". Around 100 Iranian servicemen were killed [source]


In the larger strike the following day that media reported as "Iran attacks Israel", there were Israeli casualties from an SAA strike of 20-50 missiles into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights - at least 20 Israelis were hospitalised. This is coming from less reliable info at this stage. It seems Iran & Israel have some common ground - neither like to report casualties. Below is a statement from the SAA about that strike from the following day:


Here's a map of the factions currently in Syria... There have been reports of ISIS camps within Israel-occupied Golan Heights (bottom-left blue area) over the years & with the fog of war lifting it's becoming hard to deny the collusion between Israel & ISIS. We know for a fact that Israel treats al Nusra (al Qaeda) fighters in Israeli hospitals. (click to enlarge map)


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