Israel Provided Fake Iran Dossier via MEK

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Israel gave fake Iran dossier to Mojahedin Khalq (Rajavi cult)

Video from 2014, it's relevant again due to the Iran Deal being broken by Trump & the ongoing "intelligence sources" bullshit that is so often used as justification for war, eg. the 'Mohamad Atta met senior Iraqi officials in Prague' scam that was repeated by the Neocons to justify the invasion of Iraq, long after being proven false by the FBI. [link]


Israel and the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) have been in cahoots in making false allegations against Iran's nuclear energy program, a historian tells Press TV. In an interview with Press TV, Gareth Porter said he has evidence of MKO's submission of documents to the German intelligence in 2004, claiming that Iran has been seeking to develop nuclear weapons. "And the MKO undoubtedly got them from Israel - A document that connects the MKO and Israel that the MKO had been laundering intelligence for the Israelis for years," he said.  

In his book, 'Manufactured Crisis', Porter shows in detail that most of the so-called evidence for such a weapons program was of dubious origin. [link]


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