OK, about Clarkson and of course a while back. To explain this to the trumptards and right wing snowflakes (and maybe the SCOTUS himself): The emphasis here is NOT on the words used but on content. Taking sleeping pills does not radically change a persons mindset btw.
(4 votes)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Jarret is African-American.
(Old Spike)
On paper sure, but here are her parents.
This was her father ->
This is her mother ->
Now look at VJ ->
Everyone in the world is suppose to look at this lady, not knowing anything about her family and say, "Yes sir-y bob, that's a black lady right there." Give me a break.
Thee meme said she is Iranian, which isn't wrong if were are going to use the left's overly technial views in order to shoe horn her into being considered black,
Iranian - a native or inhabitant of Iran.
Native - belonging to a particular place by birth.
So all things being equal, if you want to insist on labeling her "black", I will have to insist she also be labeled Iranian since she was born and raised there during her childhood.
(Old Spike)
Technically you're kinda right but not linguistically. She's Iranian-born. She was born to American parents in Iran & left after 6 years. She's lived in Chicago since age 7. Her ethnicity it 50/50 European/African. Her nationality is American.
Reason I'm picking on the meme is that it's either trying to suggest Iran has something to do with Muslim Brotherhood (it doesn't) or that she's of Iranian stock (she's not).
I support Roseanne's right to tweet what the fuck she likes but her joke was lame. She apologized & people should just move on. Sucks her show was canned as a result. America's so sensitive about certain races & so callous about others it's wierd.
By the way, I tweeted her the day beforehand, I told her "stop talking shit Roseanne" lol.... she was barking ignorant shit about that "Tommy Robinson" case. She shoulda listened to me. Pretty sure the "Tommy Robinson" stuff triggered her to be extra Zionist/Islamophobic. It wasn't her pills, she was going after da moooslims.
(Old Spike)
Not One single thing you mentioned is of any importance to the "case".
Leaving the result aside for a moment.
The question is: Was what Roseanne said a racist slur or a comedic skit? If one thinks the latter what was the content or context in which this would be funny?
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Now this IS funny!
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Joe Rogan is a radical leftist and has a heart. Everyone should try to be more like Joe.
(Long Spike)
You should follow your own advice and not intentionally confuse nationality with race to muddy up a fairly clear issue, as you did above in your first comment on this video.