Germany’s Bavaria has ordered Christian crosses to be placed over the entrances of government buildings to reflect its 'cultural identity'.
(2 votes)
Germany’s Bavaria has ordered Christian crosses to be placed over the entrances of government buildings to reflect its 'cultural identity'.
(Short Spike)
Isn't RT like the Russian version of Fox News but on steroids?
(Short Spike)
Nevermind. Just looked it up. Its funded directly by the Russian Government.
(Old Spike)
You had to look that up?
It's nothing like fox btw. It leans left if you're comparing to u.s. broadcasters. Fox leans right and is biased in favour of the Republican party.
(Short Spike)
I couldn't remember if it was direct funded by the government, or like Fox News, just greatly biased and sympthetic towards the Russian Government.
(Old Spike)
RT gets a bad rap. It's not in the same league as the US corporate news media IMO - it never beats the war drums or blatantly lies about stuff. On rare occasions it pushes a dubious narrative if it's a controversial topic about Russia but that's expected from any state-funded broadcaster. It mostly reports on stuff all over the world. I don't like some of the stuff - it sometimes covers US domestic issues with a bit of a muckraking style.