Shapiro Melts Down Over "Ponying" Trend

Fullauto223cal's picture

Shapiro Melts Down Over "Ponying" Trend

Ben Shapiro loses it over the latest craze known as "ponying."

Average: 3.9 (7 votes)


gardendaleguy's picture

"..they can be Neigh"....haha

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thegent's picture
Discord user

never seen him tell a joke or be funny before..this was funny..

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eh's picture

LOLOLOL That's funny as hell. Shapiro with the perfect face in reaction to that bizarre shit.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

You like Ben?  You ever listen to his show?

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eh's picture

I don't watch his show regularly or anything but have seen him many times. He has some ridiculous thoughts but is also dead on at times.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

I obviously don't agree with him on questions of religion but other than that what has he said that was "ridiculous"?

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danmanjones's picture

Meh. These people are just cosplaying.

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skeptoid's picture

We all begin life in the womb as ponies.

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Muchos Munchbagger's picture

Oh no people with fetishes not hurting anyone is weird!.

Enjoy your missionary positions, vanilla humans.

 Shapiro is a cross between a freshly bathed 8 year old boy and a meth weasel 

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Neurosis Inc's picture

Haha Meth Weasel!




Oolala freshly bathed 8 year old boy...

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Pulpgimp1's picture

Some people are so weird with their sex...

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